Thread: patah gigi..
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Old 08-25-2008, 12:12 PM
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Default Re: patah gigi..

Saya pun lupa nak tanya Chitam umur berapa ya..?
Kucing semasa kitten memang ada gigi susu...gigi nya akan patah dan tumbuh balik...tapi dalam proses ni kita kena bagi dia makanan yang lembut2 sebab nanti gusi dia akan sakit dan radang, jadi nanti dia tak nak makan...

Ni ader sikit info pasal gigi kucing yang saya cari di Internet...
Saya letakkan lain2 info kat thread baru...ok

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A Cat's Teeth: Timetable and Functions

During its lifetime, a cat has two sets of teeth, a deciduous set and a permanent set. Kittens have 26 deciduous teeth (molars are absent); adult cats have a total of 30 teeth.

Deciduous or “milk teeth” begin to appear when the kitten is about four weeks of age. At six weeks of age all 26 deciduous teeth are present. From 11 to 30 weeks of age, kittens lose their deciduous teeth. During this time they may eat less because of sore gums.

When the deciduous teeth fall out, they are replaced by 30 permanent teeth. The permanent teeth should be in place by about six months of age.

A cat's teeth are well-suited to rip and cut. Twelve tiny teeth in the front of the mouth (incisors): six in the upper jaw, six in the lower jaw do some scraping. They are flanked by two upper and two lower canines, sometimes described as “fangs,” designed to hold prey and to tear flesh. Ten sharp premolars and four molars act together to cut food.

A cat occasionally retains a deciduous tooth after the permanent tooth appears. This deciduous tooth should be removed as soon as possible to avoid displacing the permanent tooth.

Extra teeth are occasionally found in cats. They should be removed by a veterinarian if they cause crowding or injury to soft tissue or other teeth.

Provided by: Purina

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