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Old 01-21-2010, 09:02 AM
Forrester Forrester is offline
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Default Re: male cat on heat??

Originally Posted by Felix The Cat View Post
Adeh... kalo ada bby nanti macam mana la Zarul?
Kucing Nurul pula yang jantan je dah nuetered.
Yang betina tak tapi alhamdulilah mereka tak bising
Felix The Cat, do you know that EVERY time your unspayed female cat goes into heat but does not get pregnant her it INCREASES her risk of developing cancer in her womb? And that the hormonal injections given to the unspayed female cats to control the heat cycle actually causes damage to her womb and greatly increases her risk of developing cancer? If you love your cats, always neuter them early. Forget about having kittens, you can get very nice ones from the street (free) or pet shops (pay), save them and give them a loving home to stop their suffering. What happens if your cat gives birth to sickly, handicapped or plain-looking kittens that you do not fall in love with? Why take the risk? I strongly advise you guys to go out there and choose the cutest homeless kitten your heart desires ... in the street or at the pet shop ... just stop the breeding! Too many already out there and too much suffering, too many killed every week worldwide - sick or healthy, pretty or ugly, very young kittens or adults, pregnant or not ... all killed because of overpopulation! Think about it ....
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