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Old 06-18-2009, 01:22 AM
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Default Re: Can A Muslim Have A Dog?

Originally Posted by shareen_natasha View Post
My 1 ringgit opinion jerrr..........

Hukum Membela Anjing Sebagai Binatang Peliharaan
Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Kutty

Terjemahan Isi:

Anjing boleh dibela untuk tujuan-tujuan yang berikut:

1. Anjing yang dilatih (anjing terlatih) untuk kerja-kerja memburu. Harus diingat, Islam hanya membenarkan pemburuan untuk mendapatkan makanan; bukan memburu kerana sukan, suka-suka dan berseronok-seronok kerana Islam tidak membenarkan haiwan dibunuh atau diseksa atau diusir dari tempat yang lazim mereka tinggal, hanya untuk suka-suka.

2. Membela anjing terlatih sebagai jurupandu. Ini mungkin diperlukan oleh orang yang buta dan mungkin orang itu perlu memelihara anjing untuk memberi khidmat yang diperlukannya. Dalam hal itu, orang itu dibenarkan memelihara anjing di dalam rumah apabila anjing itu telah dilatih untuk menjalankan khidmat berkenaan, tetapi masih tetap disyorkan supaya anjing itu ditempatkan di tempatnya sendiri/secara berasingan daripada tuannya .

3. Anjing terlatih untuk kegunaan tugas-tugas kepolisian.
4. Anjing terlatih untuk menjaga rumah atau harta.
5. Anjing terlatih untuk digunakan oleh penternak/peladang untuk kerja-kerja menggembala kambing/lembu.

Bagaimanapun kita tidak dibenarkan memiliki/membela anjing sebagai binatang peliharaan oleh sebab anjing bukanlah binatang yang begitu bersih. Kita sendiri sering melihat bagaimana anjing menjilat-jilat najisnya sendiri. Tentulah menjijikkan kalau kita kemudiannya melihat tuan punya anjing berkenaan mencium mulut anjing tersebut setelah berlakunya insiden berkenaan seolah-olah tidak ada apa-apa perkara yang berlaku. Fikirkanlah berapa banyak kuman yang mungkin bersembunyi di dalam mulut mereka (mulut anjing dan mulut pemelihara yang mencium anjing itu).

Nabi saw mengingatkan kita supaya tidak dicemari kotoran semacam itu apabila baginda memerintahkan supaya kita menghindari air liur anjing. Kalau ditakdirkan kita tersentuh juga dengan air liur anjing, maka kita dikehendaki menyamak tempat yang terkena air liur berkenaan dengan tujuh bilasan air dan basuhan yang pertama mestilah dengan pasir atau tanah. Juga, boleh menggunakan sabun anti bakteria sebagai ganti tanah atau pasir berkenaan.

Sebagai kesimpulan: Jangan bercita-cita dan berfikir-fikir untuk menjadikan anjing sebagai binatang peliharaan anda. Bagaimanapun , jika anda memang benar-benar memerlukan seekor anjing untuk tugas-tugas yang dinyatakan di atas, anda boleh berbuat demikian, tetapi anda mestilah pastikan dan segenap langkah mestilah diambil supaya tidak menyentuh air liurnya, dan anjing berkenaan seharusnya mempunyai tempat tinggal di tempat berasingan.

Teks asal

TitleMuslims Owning Dogs: Permissible?
QuestionDear scholars, As-Salamu `alaykum. Is it permissible for a
Muslim to own a dog? Is there any restriction on keeping the dog
inside the house? Jazakum Allah khayran.
Date 26/Jul/2003
Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Kutty
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear sister in Islam, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake. May Allah reward you abundantly for your interest in knowing the teachings of Islam!

In his response to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior
lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, states:

“A dog can be owned for purposes such as the following:

1. A trained dog for hunting. Remember in Islam we are only allowed
to hunt for food; there is no such thing as hunting for fun, for we
are not allowed to kill or torture animals or drive them out of
their habitats for the fun of it.

2. A trained dog as a guide. This would be the case if a person is
blind and he/she has no choice but to keep a dog for essential
services. In this case, it is permissible for him/her to keep a dog
inside the house once it has been trained for service, but it is
still recommended that the dog have its own sleeping arrangement.

3. A dog trained for police duties.

4. A guard dog to guard houses or property.

5. A dog used by farmers to shepherd cattle and sheep.

We are, however, not allowed to keep a dog as a pet, since it is not
a very clean animal. How often have you come across the nasty sight
of dogs taken for a walk licking their own excrement? Isn’t it
disgusting to see their owners kissing the mouth of such animals
after such incidents as if nothing happened? Would you kiss the
mouth of your own baby if he were to do the same? Think how many
parasites and microbes may be hiding in their mouths.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has spared us from
being contaminated by such filth when he ordered us to stay clear of
the saliva of dogs. If we ever come into contact with a dog’s saliva
we must wash the spot seven times, the first of which should be with
sand or dirt. It is also possible to use a bacterial soap instead of
sand or dirt.

In conclusion: Don’t contemplate taking a dog home as a pet. If,
however, you do need to keep a dog for any of the reasons given
above, then you may do so. But take every precaution not to have
contact with its saliva, and also arrange for a separate living

Sumber: Islamonline
This is just to clear the air okey......
Above is not Shareen's opinion, but she only translated the real text from English to BM (Am I right, Sha??). The real text came from a MUFTI. For those who don't understand, MUFTI means a highly respected and knowledgeable individu regarding Islamic law, rules and regulations. The name of the MUFTI is Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, and in this case, he seems to be a a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For those who don't understand, this Sheikh is NOT GIVING HIS OPINION BUT IS STATING THE FACTS @ RULES OF KEEPING DOGS AND THE PROPER WAY TO CLEANSE THE NAJIS AS CITED IN THE QURAN. For those who don't understand, , NAJIS means dirty things (in this case will be the dog's saliva, poo & pee) and QURAN is the holy book for the muslims.
Hope this explanation will stop the fight and helps the misunderstand fella understands better
If still don't understand, then I will have to ask my son's help to write in chinese.....but he can only write in mandarin lorr. Apa macam ?
I learn my lesson the hardest & the most painful way. Kapas, mama miss you soooo much !!! It hurts, baby...

Last edited by anitayusof00; 06-18-2009 at 02:01 AM.