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Old 06-25-2009, 03:13 PM
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FurKids FurKids is offline
Pets Are NOT Disposable
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Default Re: panic. my cat dah nak beranak!

Kalau you kena potong tali perut kitten, MAKE SURE you tahu the correct length (berapa jarak dari perut) sebab kalau potong terlalu pendek, kitten akan kena umbilical hernia ... jarang-jarang terdapat ibu kucing yg terlalu muda dan mentah, dia putuskan tali perut tak berapa elok dan kitten develop umbilical hernia di mana satu lubang timbul kat belly button ... bila dah besar sedikit, kalau intestine jatuh keluar kat lubang tu, boleh timbul complications. Jangan cuba tolong ibu kucing potong tali perut kalau tak pandai, most cats tahu buat by instinct.

Meowmeow, selamat jadi nenek or auntie .... hehehheheheheeee!!!!
"We organized in the past to make Trap-Neuter-Return possible. Today, we organize to make Trap-Neuter-Return the norm and to end the unnecessary killing of cats in animal shelters across the country and provide humane care." - Alley Cat Allies
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