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Old 10-18-2008, 10:52 AM
ashleywong ashleywong is offline
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Default Re: Need help with taming feral kittens

do you want to spay her?

it has been done before - it's a hard and difficult decision - but from what i've read, some rescue shelters advocate abortion of pregnant cats if it's not too far along because the new litter of kittens will mean the same number of cats having less chance for adoption and a life - kittens are far "cuter" than adult cat and the same number of cats will risk losing their life.

either this or you wait till she give births then wait another month or so before you spay her.

animals that are constantly caged will become restless and exhibit lots of verbal and non-verbal behaviour to reflect this stress.

are cocochino and fluffers neutered? if yes, then you may want to consider letting them have a free run of the house - but with a caveat- all people in your house must do their part to ensure these cats are not allowed to escape or go out of the house. this way, you can let mama cat have the whole room to herself instead of just the cage. the cage will be her "maternity" room with a box and some towels/newspaper inside.

litter box will be away from the cage and food area, what do you think?

just a suggestion. is cocochino already adopted?

hey, i know was being pedantic but no offense meant, okay

how are you holding up?
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