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Old 05-04-2012, 02:19 PM
Jhonalid Jhonalid is offline
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Jhonalid is on a distinguished road
Default My 15 year old dog may have Canine Cognitive Dysfunction ...?

We just went for a Senior Wellness Exam and he's in good health (but does have arthritis, and his hearing is off). While there I mentioned that he gets stuck in corners sometimes, sleeps heavily during the day, is up at nite, had a few accidents, and sometimes just seems a little lost ... The vet said he was getting older, it's normal aging. I didnt push further, and the symptoms are mild. They don't always appear, and he goes for days without having another "episode".

A couple of days ago I finally put 2 and 2 together and am convinced that while the vet didn't mention it, he does have CCD. Of course I could be wrong and I will make a call to the vet just to chat about the possibility. But out of curiosity, I would like to know what the progression is? How long does it take before things could go bad? Do they always progress? Right now it's really no big deal. I love him to pieces and I have his best interest in mind and pretty much, I'll do whatever it takes to make him comfortable :)
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