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Old 03-31-2009, 08:59 PM
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Default Re: How to take care of a pet turtle / pet tortoise?

This info is for kairul......

Extracted from the Clubpet magazine
Turtle mania

An aquatic turtle, the Red-earred Slider or terrapin is a cold-blooded and a strong swimmer. Part of the Emydidae family, they originate from countries like America, Mexico, South Argentina and the West Indies, and have become popular household pets all over the world.

Similar in colour and appearance to a tortoise, the terrapin's namesake actually comes from an old Algonquian Indian word torope, meaning " a little turtle". In the wild, these little creatures are found mainly in ponds and swamps, muddy streams and small woodland lakes. Now many terrapins are bred specifically for the pet industry.
Terrapins have green skin with bright yellow striples. They have a patch of red behind each eye on the sides of their heads and some have a small red patch on the tops of their heads. The carapace, or shell, is yellow or olive green with yellow green to dark green lines or patches. Parts of the shell can be white, yellow or red. There are to additional colour morphs. One is a pastel strain that is characterised by a light shell with varying amount of red and yellow. The other is an albion strain that starts out bright yellow when the trutle is juvenile and fades throughout its life. Males tend to be smaller than females, and they have longer tails. Both sexes have webbed feet and strong claws.
The are many other different breed terrapins, such as the yellow bellied terrapins and the diamonback terrapin, which is named for the diamond pattern on its shell. But the only breed of terrapin allowed in Singapore is the red-eared terrapin, more commonly known as the Red-earred Slider.

Terrapin territory
Terrapins need a land area in their glass tank on which to rest, bask, and walk around and an area of fresh water in which to feed and swim. Provide a ramp for easy access between the areas. A ratio of 70% percent of land, to 30% percent water is adequate. Allow 1 square metre per terrapin.
Terrapins need a full spctrum light to mimc the radiant energy of the sun which is necessary for them to manufacture vitamin D, which is important for good bone and shell health. The light is usually contained within the cover. It should be situated over the land area on a timer switch to regulate the night/day circle.
Use a tank thermometer to measure the temperature. For their body systems to function, terrapins need an ambient temperature range of 20 to 30C for adult terrapins and slightly higher (25 to 30C) for juveniles. However, do not place the tank in direct sunlight as it may overheat.
A water filtration system removes small particles of debris and clears the water, but even with filtration, tank water needs changing regularly. If there is no filtering system, remove faecal material every day and remove any uneaten food after 20 mins. Clean the tank and the rocks and replace the water twice a week.
With a filtering system, replace half of the water each week. If gravel is used in the tank, rake it through so that the debris is removed with the dirty water. Remember to replace it with clean warm water.
On warm, sunny days your terrapin may enjoy going outside to swim and bask. Always have both land and water areas available for it and monitor the situation carefully to prevent overheating. As terrapins age, their shells can darken, the lines are patches dissapearing, until are a uniform dark olive green or greenish brown.

Chomp Chomp
Terrapins are omnivores, an adult terrapins's diet include fresh, small whole fish, freshwater shrimps, snails, lettuce and more. Pet terrapins rely more on commercially prepared food. If you prefer, a second feeding tank may be prepared to ensure that the usual tank is kept clean and hygienic. Juvenile Red-earred Sliders are mostly carnivorous and should be fed daily. Adult Sliders are omnivours and shoud be fed every other day. An adult slider's diet should be made of 25% commercial aquatic turtle diet, 25% animal protein, and 50% plant material. Some examples of animal protein are crickets, mealworms, bloodworms and the occasional feeder fish. Plant material can include green beans, sweet potatoes, bananas and grapes. All food should be dusted with a calcium and vitamin supplement with a high VitaminD-3 content.
Because red-earred sliders are very messy eaters, it is recommended to moeve them to separate areas outside their aquarium for their meals. After oyu put slider in the feeding area, allow it to feed for 15 mins then move it back to its aquarium.

Making Friends
Before attempting to interact with your terrapin, allow it to become comfortable in its new home. Once it has acclimated, it will associate you with food, and learn to look fowrad to seeing you. Be sure to handle your terrapin carefully, with two hands and never allow children under the age of five to handle it. Alwasy wash your hands before you and after handling your terrapin.
To handle them, simply hold their shells between your thumb and forefinger just in front of their hind legs. Strong and aggressive, these creatures will bite if mishandled.
Although very popular pets, terrapins are not suitable for children. If they are bought for children, a parent must be a primary caretaker. Thought relatively easier to care for than other pets, terrapins still require adequate attention and considerate care.
It should be noted that terrapins can live amazingly long lives, with some reportedly living up to 30 or even 50 years. Some have been known to outlive their owners. Do keep this in mind when considering keeping terrapin as pets.
Maintaining high standards of hygiene and nutritional care is required for terrapins good health or they might contract illnesses. When in doubt, do bring them to the vet to seek a professional opinion. As long as your terrapin is well cared, you can be sure to enjoy fascinating times with your little pet.

5 facts
at birth, they are about 1 to 1.5 inches, but will soon grow up to 11 to 12 inches if well looked after - like mine - cute at first now like monster :)
average lifespand
30-50 years or more - sure outlive me
curious, alert, strong and can be aggressive. Might learn to beg for food when it senses movement near its tank - ahhh like mine!!!!! - 6pm automatically bang the container already....telling me they are all hungry - FEED ME!!!! )
favourite activities
swimming in the water and basking in the sun - mine like swimming, making noise, stacking up one after another - i got 3 so 3 stack-up terrapins. They love to go under the car..........fav spot ..
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