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Old 08-30-2010, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: Can secondary students be good pet owners?

Originally Posted by shima138 View Post
Hm tadi v.president SPCA Melaka datang ambil 4 ekor anak kucing yang saya jumpa kt flat ni. Sangat sickly, sedih sangat tengok. Memang kena duduk dengan ibu dia lagi, sebab still kecil. Saya bagi makan wet food semalam, tapi tak boleh bawak balik sebab takut housemates tak suka. Tengahari tadi V.P (Angeline) call and cakap dia boleh datang pick up.
I was sooo relieved and grateful.

About the other 3 waiting for adoption (Becky, Putih, Odie), I'm handing them over to SPCA too. I told Angeline about the student's intention to adopt and she cautioned me. Reasons sama mcm Kak Kasih & Nur Illiyana dah highlightkan. Angeline nampak macam betul2 caring and bersungguh nak ambil Becky, Putih and Odie.

I think that's the best choice to go with, sebab saya tak boleh cari other owners. Ada orang yang interested kat website ni tapi bila saya kontek senyap je. Kalau ada transport sendiri saya memang akan drive around pegi good neighbourhood areas and tanya if anyone nak adopt.

I'm sure SPCA will take good care of them and good owners will come along soon enough. Maybe lepas raya saya akan visit SPCA shelter and tengok keadaan mereka.

Sedih pula bila fikir nak berpisah dengan Odie, Becky and Putih. Especially Odie He was the first to come to me, and sangat manja dengan saya. Saya nak bawak balik rumah tapi kat rumah pun dah bnyk kucing, so I know it won't be the best home for him. Kat Kelantan tu nak cari vet and pet store pun sangat susah People sangat2 ignorant.

Anyway, thanks yer Kak Kasih & Nur Illiyana. I think handing them over to the SPCA seems like the better of the 2 choices that I have now. It might not be the best but at least the kittens will have shelter and food, and I'm sure they will not be neglected.
There is another post by shima138 with similar content:

Many well-intentioned people have had the same hopes/dreams for the cats/kittens they handed to SPCA. For those very few who had bothered to check back on their handovers several days later, they have discovered a shocking and painful truth. But for those that never checked on their cats/kittens, they will never know the horror of what they have done: handing cats/kittens to a kill-shelter that lives on public donations.

Only hand cats/kittens to a kill-shelter if you WANT them to die.
"We organized in the past to make Trap-Neuter-Return possible. Today, we organize to make Trap-Neuter-Return the norm and to end the unnecessary killing of cats in animal shelters across the country and provide humane care." - Alley Cat Allies
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