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Old 12-05-2012, 07:11 AM
kapit937 kapit937 is offline
Animal Lover
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kapit937 is on a distinguished road
Default Re: flat headed cat yang pupus selama 24tahun kini kembali pulang

Sangat menyokong bobcatJB,

1. Species ni dah dikira 'critically endangered'. Kalau ada masalah (kena langgar, disease etc.) dan mati, memang terus pupus.

2. Saya tahu a few Malaysian exotic species (cthnya spesies ular sawa) yang diseludup keluar dari Malaysia dan dibiakkan di luar negara. Akhirnya jd bahan dagangan. Terkenal di luar negara dan di kalangan peminat, tp di Malaysia semua ingat dah pupus. Our local enthutiastists pula kena keluar duit beribu-ribu just to bring the species back to their motherland. sangat merugikan. Mind you, poachers dan exotic species breeder yang illegal have VERY sensitive nose!

3. Kalau tak yakin dengan our local agencies, at least try to keep them save (by not spreading the words too much). Allow them to breed and kalau dah bertambah, still kena inform dgn related agency (at least zoo negara). We have to safe guard the remaining individuals.
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