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PAWS All discussions and information related to the non-profit PAWS organization. PAWS is the society for the welfare of Animals.

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Old 05-29-2013, 11:39 AM
graceccy87 graceccy87 is offline
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Default Calling all feeders/caregivers in the MPSJ area – we need your help and support!!

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Calling all feeders/caregivers in the MPSJ area – we need your help and support!!
By chankahyein, on Tuesday, May 28th, 2013 11:30 pm
AnimalCare, in collaboration with PAWS, is planning to seek the approval of MPSJ to endorse and support One-Street CNRM and implement TNR in certain streets/areas under the jurisdiction of MPSJ.

This is our draft proposal;

1. Ear-notched animals: All ear-notched animals (dogs and cats) will NOT be captured. If they are captured, they will be released immediately as they have already been neutered.

2. Designated “Animal-Friendly” zones:

(a) We identify designated areas where the stray animals are exempted from capture-and-kill.

(b) A feeder will be responsible in each area.

(c) The feeder will ensure that the animals in the area are neutered and given appropriate medical treatment when necessary. The feeder is entitled to claim a subsidy from AnimalCare or use the services of PAWS’ mobile clinic.

(d) The feeder will submit a monthly report to AnimalCare detailing the number of animals, the health condition of the animals and other relevant information.

(e) At the end of 12 months, a full report will be submitted to the MPSJ. If the results are favourable, we will lobby for more areas to be under the “Animal-Friendly” zone, but we need a feeder to be responsible for each area.

An area = A street or a few streets (please identify your street/s when you write to us).

We are now calling for feeders in the MPSJ area to participate in our pilot project which we hope, will spearhead CNRM by the residents and TNR by the council for the long-term wellbeing of all street animals.

We need our “big army” now!

Please help us to help the animals.

Calling all feeders and caregivers in the MPSJ area: We hope to hear from you real soon as we are meeting up with MPSJ next week and we want to be able to submit a list of streets/areas to be designated under the “Animal-Friendly” zone.

Please volunteer to be a feeder and to take responsibility for your road. All we need is a monthly report from you and that you look after the animals on your road.

Without your help and participation, we would have nothing to propose to the MPSJ.

We also understand that managing dogs could be more tricky in the MPSJ area, so here is what we propose:

3. Dog license:

(a) Licenses for neutered dogs will be RM10 per year while licenses for unneutered dogs will be RM100. Exemption is granted for elderly dogs, certified unfit to be neutered by the vet.

(b) Upon payment of this RM100 for an unneutered dog, an MPSJ voucher will be given to the owner whereby the dog can then be brought for subsidised neutering at PAWS or a participating clinic. Once neutered, the license for the dog in the following year will only be RM10.

The above is part of the draft proposal we hope to submit to MPSJ for their approval.

We need your support, please. Without your support, this proposal cannot be implemented.

To all caregivers who want the best for the street animals, please support us.

If you do not live in the MPSJ area, please forward this link to your friends who do.
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