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Hall of Shame There are lots of cruel and inconsiderate people out there. Expose their cruel deeds to the world and let them be shamed!

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Old 12-12-2009, 11:23 AM
HishamuddinRaisKD HishamuddinRaisKD is offline
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

saya support 100% Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop. Terima kasih dog is my buddy buat thread ni.
Originally Posted by Coony View Post
I guess the true color of some BYB pretending to be some cat lover is beginning to show. This is something we had been trying to tell other to watch out for but sometime ppl choose not to know, but nevertheless it is never too late.

In fact it surprised me a bit as to how far & long this person was allowed to mislead other. Giving cock & bull reason for explanation of his sick looking kittens, continuously claiming his kittens to be some pedigree breed when it is bred from a non paper cat. Wake up ppl, don’t let this arrogant person mock your intelligent. I can imagine every night when he goes back & laugh over your stupidity in believing him. I’m glad to see that finally some ppl are willing to stand up against this type of breeder today, something we shud all be doing all this time.
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Old 12-14-2009, 09:15 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

to those who disagree with this campaign, please just walk away from this thread. no need to be disruptful.
form your own thread if you have to.

i was once very ignorant on this BYB issue until about a year ago. and i have to thank the good people of petfinder.my for this.

i think a lot has been said about BYB. from the earlier posts in this thread, i think all of us are aware of the problem. so what do we do? blacklisting petshops is one but that's almost beyond our control. we can't decide for people what they should do with their money. and after we blacklist, do we just keep it at that? what about reporting the culprit to the right authority?
are we doing anything for the unwanted strays?
rudy & yanty
and our furry dungdungs: eri, minn, chichita, ayoi, indy, elle, comot, puteh, jamie, uban, lola & ms mumm7 & co

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Old 12-21-2009, 06:40 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

HishamuddinRaisKD and Moggies,
Thank you for drop by for comment this thread, petfinder.my forum is the place to show how serious includes the threads about backyard breeders in both cats and dogs, we all know they are out there and that some of us at sometime have been there. Tell to everyone stop buying and support Backyard breeder.
We don't care who their are, we find up, they going come to Hall of Shame.

Originally Posted by moggies View Post
to those who disagree with this campaign, please just walk away from this thread. no need to be disruptful.
form your own thread if you have to.

i was once very ignorant on this BYB issue until about a year ago. and i have to thank the good people of petfinder.my for this.

i think a lot has been said about BYB. from the earlier posts in this thread, i think all of us are aware of the problem. so what do we do? blacklisting petshops is one but that's almost beyond our control. we can't decide for people what they should do with their money. and after we blacklist, do we just keep it at that? what about reporting the culprit to the right authority?
are we doing anything for the unwanted strays?
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Old 01-07-2010, 12:41 AM
meiers meiers is offline
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

100% support and agree to this campaign

If i ever get a 3rd dog for my home, it would be one from the local shelter.
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Old 04-10-2010, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Have find any puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop, Please update and share with us.
Please review Petfinder Forum Rules , or if you are new, or have not yet read them, please get familiar with them. Thanks. Petfinder Forum rules

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Old 10-23-2010, 06:20 PM
Divas Divas is offline
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

As i don't visit petfinder forum as often as i should i have only just stumbled across this thread.

I wanted to say (as a grooming salon that doesn't sell pets) how heart warming it is to see so many people actively supporting this cause. I personally (along with my business partner and my husband) am very against BYB's and shops that support them. I feel that the role of a groomer or pet shop owner is to help support pet owners make the best decisions for their pets and to constantly educate themselves to do so to the best of their ability. Time and time again I am appalled and ashamed of the pet industry and how low some people will stoop to make a quick buck while betraying the trust given to them by their customers.

I can also honestly tell you that being a pet related business that doesn't sell pets is tough work. Because of this it really means a lot to see the general public starting to understand where puppies and kittens in pet shops really come from and support shops that don’t supply pets.

I have been trying to think of ways to get the message off the internet and available to the general public for quite a while. Eventually I hope to have my shop profitable enough to use some of the profits to start distributing posters and flyers as well as post ads in pet magazines to spread awareness as far around Malaysia as possible. Perhaps also opening a booth in the pet fairs would also help spread awareness to the public.

In the last 2 years I have been so busy running the shop (as well as taking care of my own furkids) that I have had little time to work on this (i guess you could call hobby?) but hopefully in the future life will free up a bit and I can take a more active role in the movement especially as their are others working towards the same goal (whenever i thought things to do before, it always seemed very overwhelming and i don't know where to start). If there is anything I can do to better support this movement, please let me know.

For now i will leave you with...

...A huge thank you on behalf of myself and all dogs past, present and future to all of you (especially DIMB for starting this movement), sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:01 AM
kacak kacak is offline
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Salam 1 malaysia.....
Saya tulis dalam bahasa malaysia kerana saya tinggal di malaysia lahir dimalaysia. Bangga sebagai rakyat malaysia.
Saya sokong kempen ini ' stop puppy and kitten backyard breeder'. Bagi saya semua ini bergantung kepada hati seseorang peniaga , breeder , groomer dan pemilik haiwan kesayangan. Untuk menjata kan kempen ini kita perlu mendiddik @ megajar kesedaran dari kanak kanak lagi bagaimana untuk mencintai haiwan tidak kira dari apa jenis pun. Jangamn pandang kepada anjing dan kucing sahaja ! . Jika sesiapa yang pernah pergi ke Cameroon Highland , ada satu taman rama rama disana yg menjual kumbang dan kala jengking dalam keadaan yg menyedihkan. Simpan didalam bekas kecil ( plastic container 3' )di letak didalam laci yg gelap tanpa makanan dan air, yg menariknya dijual dgn harga yg mahal bagi seekor kumbang.
Saya pernah ingin membeli sekor kucing baka asli dgn harga rm3500, sudahlah dimandulkan,dgn keterangan dari breeder tersebut parent grand champion dari luar , yg menariknya bulu kucing tersebut tidak terurus ( terlalu kasar dan serabut dibahagian bawah perut) bagi saya harga tersebut tidak munasabah bagi seorang breeder bertauliah yg menjual kucing baka asli tapi tidak sempurna penjagaannya ( lakonlayar ) . Akhirnya saya beli dari BYB pure breed dgn harga rm1000 ( tiada cert ) tapi amat sangat berpuas hati, kerana kucing tersebut diurus dengan cantik ( grooom ),bulu terlalu lembut,bersih telinga,celah kaki bersih,dan aktif tidak takut dgn sesiapa ,manja.
Ini adalah contah dimana hati seseorang yang menentukan nya ! Apa yang perlu kita lakukan semua adalah hentikan lakonlayar.....kempen ini harus tegas dan mendapat sokong dari kita ...mana mana breeder bertauliah , back yard breeder, pemilik kedai , pemilik haiwan yg tidak sempurna ini haruslah kita nasihat dahulu tak dengar baru kita hentam....

Dan tak lupa juga kepada penternak haiwan ( lembu,kambing,babi,ayam,itik, dll ) jangan terlepas pandang. Mereka ini semua mata $$$$$$. Jika mereka tidak menjaga haiwan ternakakn ini dgn elok apa perlu kita lakukan ???? jangan makan daging kita jadi vegertrian ...kah...kah..kah...
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:36 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Originally Posted by kacak View Post
Salam 1 malaysia.....
Saya tulis dalam bahasa malaysia kerana saya tinggal di malaysia lahir dimalaysia. Bangga sebagai rakyat malaysia.
Saya sokong kempen ini ' stop puppy and kitten backyard breeder'. Bagi saya semua ini bergantung kepada hati seseorang peniaga , breeder , groomer dan pemilik haiwan kesayangan. Untuk menjata kan kempen ini kita perlu mendiddik @ megajar kesedaran dari kanak kanak lagi bagaimana untuk mencintai haiwan tidak kira dari apa jenis pun. Jangamn pandang kepada anjing dan kucing sahaja ! . Jika sesiapa yang pernah pergi ke Cameroon Highland , ada satu taman rama rama disana yg menjual kumbang dan kala jengking dalam keadaan yg menyedihkan. Simpan didalam bekas kecil ( plastic container 3' )di letak didalam laci yg gelap tanpa makanan dan air, yg menariknya dijual dgn harga yg mahal bagi seekor kumbang.
Saya pernah ingin membeli sekor kucing baka asli dgn harga rm3500, sudahlah dimandulkan,dgn keterangan dari breeder tersebut parent grand champion dari luar , yg menariknya bulu kucing tersebut tidak terurus ( terlalu kasar dan serabut dibahagian bawah perut) bagi saya harga tersebut tidak munasabah bagi seorang breeder bertauliah yg menjual kucing baka asli tapi tidak sempurna penjagaannya ( lakonlayar ) . Akhirnya saya beli dari BYB pure breed dgn harga rm1000 ( tiada cert ) tapi amat sangat berpuas hati, kerana kucing tersebut diurus dengan cantik ( grooom ),bulu terlalu lembut,bersih telinga,celah kaki bersih,dan aktif tidak takut dgn sesiapa ,manja.
Ini adalah contah dimana hati seseorang yang menentukan nya ! Apa yang perlu kita lakukan semua adalah hentikan lakonlayar.....kempen ini harus tegas dan mendapat sokong dari kita ...mana mana breeder bertauliah , back yard breeder, pemilik kedai , pemilik haiwan yg tidak sempurna ini haruslah kita nasihat dahulu tak dengar baru kita hentam....

Dan tak lupa juga kepada penternak haiwan ( lembu,kambing,babi,ayam,itik, dll ) jangan terlepas pandang. Mereka ini semua mata $$$$$$. Jika mereka tidak menjaga haiwan ternakakn ini dgn elok apa perlu kita lakukan ???? jangan makan daging kita jadi vegertrian ...kah...kah..kah...
you pasti ke breeder tue reputable breeder? nampak cam kerja rumah yang you buat tak cukup
Curiosity killed the cat, but where human beings are concerned, the only thing a healthy curiosity can kill is ignorance.~Harry Lorayne
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Old 10-24-2010, 11:30 PM
kacak kacak is offline
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

salam ...
saya pasti dia breeder yang berdaftar.... sebab masa saya beli saya ingin tahu salasilah keterunan kucing tersebut.... ( 30 tahun sebelumnya , bayar guna kad kredit lagi utk online ) baru dpt tgk salisilah ....sebab saya dah ada seekor kucing baka tersebut, yg saya beli dr tempat asalnya semasa saya tinggal di sana. So saya tahu bagaimana utk menilai seorang reeder yg elok. yg penting hati jaga elok baru $$$, bukan $$$ batu hati....
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Old 10-25-2010, 10:49 AM
Shafeera Shafeera is offline
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Originally Posted by kacak View Post
salam ...
saya pasti dia breeder yang berdaftar.... sebab masa saya beli saya ingin tahu salasilah keterunan kucing tersebut.... ( 30 tahun sebelumnya , bayar guna kad kredit lagi utk online ) baru dpt tgk salisilah ....sebab saya dah ada seekor kucing baka tersebut, yg saya beli dr tempat asalnya semasa saya tinggal di sana. So saya tahu bagaimana utk menilai seorang reeder yg elok. yg penting hati jaga elok baru $$$, bukan $$$ batu hati....

I like..
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Old 03-11-2011, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

saya, sharina amat menyokong kampen ini kerana saya pernah membeli di petshop tetapi nampaknya kucing ada taik telinga berdaki maybe ada ear mites dan ada sedikit fungus di badannya..
next time saya akan beli di breeder yang beretika seperti yang di suggest oleh rakan2 di petfinder..

Good luck to this campaign!!!
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Old 08-11-2011, 01:02 PM
freewilly85 freewilly85 is offline
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

to the 2 ignorant, fat women who claimed themselves from Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better,

This is a puppy mill.


Who am I?

I am the one you claimed a puppy miller just because I am having a few puppies for sale.
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Old 08-11-2011, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Originally Posted by kacak View Post
Salam 1 malaysia.....
Saya tulis dalam bahasa malaysia kerana saya tinggal di malaysia lahir dimalaysia. Bangga sebagai rakyat malaysia.
Saya sokong kempen ini ' stop puppy and kitten backyard breeder'. Bagi saya semua ini bergantung kepada hati seseorang peniaga , breeder , groomer dan pemilik haiwan kesayangan. Untuk menjata kan kempen ini kita perlu mendiddik @ megajar kesedaran dari kanak kanak lagi bagaimana untuk mencintai haiwan tidak kira dari apa jenis pun. Jangamn pandang kepada anjing dan kucing sahaja ! . Jika sesiapa yang pernah pergi ke Cameroon Highland , ada satu taman rama rama disana yg menjual kumbang dan kala jengking dalam keadaan yg menyedihkan. Simpan didalam bekas kecil ( plastic container 3' )di letak didalam laci yg gelap tanpa makanan dan air, yg menariknya dijual dgn harga yg mahal bagi seekor kumbang.
Pergi internet google "care sheet for beetles/ scorpion (for malaysian species to be specified)" dulu sebelum membuat komen adakah cara simpanannya menyedihkan atau tidak.

Kalau anda dapat cari satu spesis kumbang/ kala jengking di malaysia yang suka berjemur matahari, suka panas, tidak suka gelap saya amat berminat untuk mengenalinya.
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Old 09-14-2011, 03:12 AM
Sharon The Paw Sharon The Paw is offline
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

My husband and I will NEVER and ever buy a kitten/puppy from a pet shop!!! Once my husband wanted to let the kittens from Petsmore escape from their cage. They put 6 kittens in a small cage and it was cramped. Those kittens looked miserable. It was heartbreaking! Its absolutely inhumane the way the pet shops treat the animals.
Please do not buy animals from pet shops!
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