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Old 09-13-2011, 09:13 AM
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Default Resepi makanan kucing

Ada sesiapa yang nak berkongsi resepi untuk makanan kucing tak? sebab kadang kala kucing tu bosan makan makanan kering. nak beli makanan basah, saya dah tak percaya dengan jenama komersial lagi. klu ada bolehlah kongsikan disini. resepi yang kucing suka lagi sihat
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Old 09-13-2011, 12:18 PM
maris_sa528 maris_sa528 is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Hi rihazmuhammad,

Ini resipi saya, takde diambil dari ruangan resipi kesihatan kucing mana-mana so saya tak pasti sihat atau tak pada Kucing. hehe. Yang pasti kucing saya membesar, menggemuk sihat dan bulu tak luruh. :p.

Ayam Kukus
2 bahagian ribs ayam (Saya prefer ribs dari breast sbb tulang dia kucing suka geget-geget.)
2 ulas bawang putih diketuk.
Lebih kurang 2 cm halia
Lebih kurang 1 sudu sos tiram.
Lebih kurang 1 sudu teriyaki sos.

Campurkan semua sekali, perap dalam setengah jam. Kemudian kukuskan.

Disamping kucing makan, tuan kucing pun boleh tumpang sekali.

Ayam rebus

Rebus je breast/ribs ayam dengan air. lepas tu hidangkan. Tapi kucing saya dah tak mau makan ayam rebus camni, sbb mungkin rasanya too plain.

Selamat mencuba!
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Old 09-13-2011, 10:55 PM
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Terima kasih lepas ni Shiro saya dan rakan barunya Snipie boleh rasa hidangan baru hehe
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:04 PM
Sharon The Paw Sharon The Paw is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by rihazmuhammad View Post
Ada sesiapa yang nak berkongsi resepi untuk makanan kucing tak? sebab kadang kala kucing tu bosan makan makanan kering. nak beli makanan basah, saya dah tak percaya dengan jenama komersial lagi. klu ada bolehlah kongsikan disini. resepi yang kucing suka lagi sihat
Saya masak untuk kucing saya 1 minggu sekali cukup untuk 2,3 hari.
Recipe saya:
Chicken breast atau ikan(hanya pilih ayam atau ikan yang segar)
Hati ayam
Salmon oil
Potato atau nasi(saya add sikit je sebab cat tak perlu banyak sangat carbohydrate)
Egg yolk

Saya boil air lepas tu add potato,chicken liver,chicken breast/ikan dan teluk(whole egg) sampai masak. Saya hanya guna egg yolk saja lepas ia masak sebab kucing saya tak suka egg white. Lepas tu saya mash potato,egg yolk then shredded ayam, chicken liver ke very small pieces.Lepas tu add garam(saya add quarter of tea spoon iodized garam untuk makanan tiga hari untuk kucing2 saya) vitamin(pecahkan sampai powder) dan salmon oil(saya add 6 table spoon) Campur semua sekali dan serve.
Banyak makanan yang manusia boleh makan tapi tidak sesuai untuk kucing sperti bawang putih,bawang besar atau chocolate dan banyak lagi.Google untuk lebih information atau tanya vet anda.

P/S saya diberitahu kucing memerlukkan minyak haiwan jadi biasanya saya add kulit ayam ke boiling water bersama ingredients yang saya sebutkan tadi. Saya selalu masak untuk kucing saya atau bagi mereka wet food.Dry food terlalu kering dan jika kucing tak minum air yang cukup boleh membawah masalah kesihatan biasanya kidney problems. Kucing saya tak suka minum air so saya bagi mereka1 kali dry food dan satu kali wet food setiap hari dan cooked food 2 atau 3 kali seminggu. Kucing boleh mendapadatkan air daripada wet food.
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:18 PM
Sharon The Paw Sharon The Paw is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by maris_sa528 View Post
Hi rihazmuhammad,

Ini resipi saya, takde diambil dari ruangan resipi kesihatan kucing mana-mana so saya tak pasti sihat atau tak pada Kucing. hehe. Yang pasti kucing saya membesar, menggemuk sihat dan bulu tak luruh. :p.

Ayam Kukus
2 bahagian ribs ayam (Saya prefer ribs dari breast sbb tulang dia kucing suka geget-geget.)
2 ulas bawang putih diketuk.
Lebih kurang 2 cm halia
Lebih kurang 1 sudu sos tiram.
Lebih kurang 1 sudu teriyaki sos.

Campurkan semua sekali, perap dalam setengah jam. Kemudian kukuskan.

Disamping kucing makan, tuan kucing pun boleh tumpang sekali.

Ayam rebus

Rebus je breast/ribs ayam dengan air. lepas tu hidangkan. Tapi kucing saya dah tak mau makan ayam rebus camni, sbb mungkin rasanya too plain.

Selamat mencuba!
Saya sangat bimbang kucing anda. Bawang putih is toxic untuk kucing! Ia merosakkan cell darah merah kucing dan membawah masalah anemia. Jangan bagi bawang putih lagi dan anda patut bawah kucing anda untuk check up. Google untuk lebih informasi tentang bawang putih atau tanya vet anda.
Saya tak pasti oyster sauce atau teriyaki sauce tapi oyster sauce mengandungi terlalu banyak msg. Tanya vet anda. Kalau bagi makanan yang salah bagi kucing nanti mereka seksa.

Last edited by Sharon The Paw; 09-13-2011 at 11:24 PM.
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Old 09-14-2011, 08:27 AM
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

buat masa ini, saya hanya bagi makanan kering (blackwood) pada sebelah siang. dan ikan rebus pada sebelah malam. jika saya tidak berkesempatan untuk masak, saya hidangkan makanan basah pada sebelah malam.

adakah cara ini sihat untuk kucing saya.

btw. thank for sharing. InsyaAllah saya akan cuba resepi itu.
cuma nak tanya vitamin tu.. vitamin apa? supplement untuk kucing ker? dalam bentul Pil?
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Old 09-14-2011, 07:31 PM
Sharon The Paw Sharon The Paw is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by rihazmuhammad View Post
buat masa ini, saya hanya bagi makanan kering (blackwood) pada sebelah siang. dan ikan rebus pada sebelah malam. jika saya tidak berkesempatan untuk masak, saya hidangkan makanan basah pada sebelah malam.

adakah cara ini sihat untuk kucing saya.

btw. thank for sharing. InsyaAllah saya akan cuba resepi itu.
cuma nak tanya vitamin tu.. vitamin apa? supplement untuk kucing ker? dalam bentul Pil?
Ya vitamin supplement untuk kucing,ia dalam belum pil.Anda hanya pecahkan dan campur dalam makanan masak tu. Recipe ini mengandungi basic nutrition yang kucing perlu. Salmon oil bagus untuk kucing.
Jika saya tak salah,Blackwood(saya suka baca ingredients sebelum saya beli dan saya ingat saya baca ingendients Blackwood) mengandungi corn atau wheat. Kedua-dua bahan ni tak sesuai untuk kucing dan boleh membawah banyak masalah kesihatan. Saya pasti anda tahu Royal Canin adan Science Plan? Kedua-dua brand ni mengandungi maize(corn dan maize sama je) dah wheat. Kenapa mereka bagai wheat dan corn? Sebab bahan2 ni murah. Apa yang saya tak suka ialah harga untuk brand2 ni terlampau mahal tapi bukan top quality. Ramai vets convince pet owners beli brand ni walaupun mereka tahu corn dan wheat tak baik untuk kucing sebab vets boleh dapat commission daripda company2 ni.

Sebelum ini saya bagi Royal Canin pada kucing saya tapi saya tukar terus slepas saya mengetahui corn dan wheat tak baik untuk kucing. Sekarang saya bagi kucing2 saya Orijen.Harganya agak sama dengan RC tapi ingredients lebih baik dan 0% corn and wheat. Ada beberapa jenis cat food takde corn dan wheat sperti Holistic,Wellness dan Ancana(murah sikit)
Saya bagi Natural Balance wet food untuk kucing saya dan dia sukanya. Sila baca ingredients sebelum beli cat food.

Saya rasa cara anda feed cats betul. Tapi lagi bagus kalau anda add sikit vitamin dan salmon oil, itu lagi banyak nutrition bagi kucing2 anda. Saya buat research dan mendapati garam yang mengandungi iodine baik untuk kucing,anda boleh add sikit kat cooked food kucing anda.
Semoga kucing anda sentiasa happy dan healthy
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Old 09-15-2011, 08:51 AM
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Thank for sharing.
saya pun baru terbaca dalam forum yang lain tentang BlackWood, RC yang mengandungi corn dan wheat. saya juga bercadang untuk bertukar kepada Feline Caviar apabila stok blackWood ni habis nanti. cuma ... bukan mudah kittens ni nak terima makanan baru.
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Old 09-15-2011, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by rihazmuhammad View Post
Thank for sharing.
saya pun baru terbaca dalam forum yang lain tentang BlackWood, RC yang mengandungi corn dan wheat. saya juga bercadang untuk bertukar kepada Feline Caviar apabila stok blackWood ni habis nanti. cuma ... bukan mudah kittens ni nak terima makanan baru.
I think your kitten will do fine with the switch I have a cat (Checkers) who used to have a sensitive tummy as a kitten, and I was like many others, deluded into thinking high price=quality. Many trips were made to the vet but we still couldn't cure his bouts of diarrhea.

My cats were all on Blackwood at the time. The others (adults) seemed okay, but over a period of 6 months, I noticed a steady increase in 'chuck-ups' @ vomiting, not just in one but three of my cats. I was absolutely paranoid I stopped feeding the brand immediately. I spoke to my vet after and naturally, he recommended a switch to the 'high-quality' Royal Canin. According to him, the kibbles were proven to be highly digestible. For the price, I figured it would be better.

Alas, months went by, there were no more 'chuck-ups' but my cats were putting on too much weight, they got sluggish over time and the diarrhea problem did not stop for Checkers!

That was when I went online and did tons of research online, and found out about the many issues related to feeding cats any form of corn, wheat, by-product, grain food etc. Scanned through so many reviews on holistic cat-food brands and finally came across the brilliant Orijen. It was luckily, conveniently available where I stay, I decided to give it a try. And the result was well worth all the trouble!

Checkers had NO more diarrhea, there was no more vomiting in the household, my cats lost significant weight WHILE developing lean muscle. Today (it's been over a year), they're very active and best of all, ENJOY feeding time they look forward to their Orijen kibbles day and night!

Orijen makes kibbles packed with meat-proteins (try carrying the bag for a rough idea of how heavy the kibbles really are), thus they eat-less, it's actually saves cost in the long-run!

It's rather expensive at Rm87 (2.5kg), I purchase four bags a month at Rm300 for my own 5 cats. It's still a better option, considering how you won't have to spend at the vet later (when potential medical problems arise). Your cats will LOVE you so much more for it too!

P.S: Feline Caviar is really good too, this is what I feed my guests@rescued cats, it's much lower in cost and they love it!
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Old 09-15-2011, 11:34 AM
irenelance irenelance is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by Sharon The Paw View Post
Ya vitamin supplement untuk kucing,ia dalam belum pil.Anda hanya pecahkan dan campur dalam makanan masak tu. Recipe ini mengandungi basic nutrition yang kucing perlu. Salmon oil bagus untuk kucing.
Jika saya tak salah,Blackwood(saya suka baca ingredients sebelum saya beli dan saya ingat saya baca ingendients Blackwood) mengandungi corn atau wheat. Kedua-dua bahan ni tak sesuai untuk kucing dan boleh membawah banyak masalah kesihatan. Saya pasti anda tahu Royal Canin adan Science Plan? Kedua-dua brand ni mengandungi maize(corn dan maize sama je) dah wheat. Kenapa mereka bagai wheat dan corn? Sebab bahan2 ni murah. Apa yang saya tak suka ialah harga untuk brand2 ni terlampau mahal tapi bukan top quality. Ramai vets convince pet owners beli brand ni walaupun mereka tahu corn dan wheat tak baik untuk kucing sebab vets boleh dapat commission daripda company2 ni.

Sebelum ini saya bagi Royal Canin pada kucing saya tapi saya tukar terus slepas saya mengetahui corn dan wheat tak baik untuk kucing. Sekarang saya bagi kucing2 saya Orijen.Harganya agak sama dengan RC tapi ingredients lebih baik dan 0% corn and wheat. Ada beberapa jenis cat food takde corn dan wheat sperti Holistic,Wellness dan Ancana(murah sikit)
Saya bagi Natural Balance wet food untuk kucing saya dan dia sukanya. Sila baca ingredients sebelum beli cat food.

Saya rasa cara anda feed cats betul. Tapi lagi bagus kalau anda add sikit vitamin dan salmon oil, itu lagi banyak nutrition bagi kucing2 anda. Saya buat research dan mendapati garam yang mengandungi iodine baik untuk kucing,anda boleh add sikit kat cooked food kucing anda.
Semoga kucing anda sentiasa happy dan healthy
sharon..where can i get salmon oil? i've been meaning to make own wetfood as the ones selling at the market are getting expensive each day! same as u, i give my boys kibbles during the day and wetfood at night as sometimes they very malas to drink water

i wanna try ur recipe but i once read that chicken liver and egg yolk are not so good for cats (forgot where i read it)..as liver is where all the toxic accumulated and egg yolk may develop allergy or something..

pls correct me if i'm wrong
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:36 PM
Sharon The Paw Sharon The Paw is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by rihazmuhammad View Post
Thank for sharing.
saya pun baru terbaca dalam forum yang lain tentang BlackWood, RC yang mengandungi corn dan wheat. saya juga bercadang untuk bertukar kepada Feline Caviar apabila stok blackWood ni habis nanti. cuma ... bukan mudah kittens ni nak terima makanan baru.
Saya perna tukar makanan kucing beberapa kali. Apa yang saya buat ialah saya tak terus saja bagi makanan baru pada kucing saya,biasanya saya campur makanan baru dan makanan lama sekali dan kurangkan makan lama perlahan-lahan.
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Old 09-15-2011, 02:01 PM
maris_sa528 maris_sa528 is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by Sharon The Paw View Post
Saya sangat bimbang kucing anda. Bawang putih is toxic untuk kucing! Ia merosakkan cell darah merah kucing dan membawah masalah anemia. Jangan bagi bawang putih lagi dan anda patut bawah kucing anda untuk check up. Google untuk lebih informasi tentang bawang putih atau tanya vet anda.
Saya tak pasti oyster sauce atau teriyaki sauce tapi oyster sauce mengandungi terlalu banyak msg. Tanya vet anda. Kalau bagi makanan yang salah bagi kucing nanti mereka seksa.

Thanks Sharon,

Such a good info for me.. I heard about disadvantages garlic to cats too, but yeah... I am one kind of mummy that sometimes feed my kids McDonald Meal. Owhhhh my.. Bad mummy bad mummy.

Yeah I do have regular checkup with my vet, so far they are doing great. Vet told me as long as they not overdose them with garlic too much, it is ok. and giving garlic in small portion can enhance pet's health(and i believe make the fur grow prettier too!)


Anyway, i salute you for preparing such a good meal to your furkids. I dont think i really that good to spend my time preparing special dish like that. *again, bad mummy bad mummy* It must be a satisfaction looking at your furkids growing healthy after put so much effort. U have my respect for this, Sharon!
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Old 09-15-2011, 02:20 PM
maris_sa528 maris_sa528 is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by Vee20 View Post
I think your kitten will do fine with the switch I have a cat (Checkers) who used to have a sensitive tummy as a kitten, and I was like many others, deluded into thinking high price=quality. Many trips were made to the vet but we still couldn't cure his bouts of diarrhea.

My cats were all on Blackwood at the time. The others (adults) seemed okay, but over a period of 6 months, I noticed a steady increase in 'chuck-ups' @ vomiting, not just in one but three of my cats. I was absolutely paranoid I stopped feeding the brand immediately. I spoke to my vet after and naturally, he recommended a switch to the 'high-quality' Royal Canin. According to him, the kibbles were proven to be highly digestible. For the price, I figured it would be better.

P.S: Feline Caviar is really good too, this is what I feed my guests@rescued cats, it's much lower in cost and they love it!

Yeah.... now u make me realise Blackwood is the one cause my cats vomiting. I thought it for good, to make them puke out the furballs, but i always give them hairballs supplement that supposed to make them out through poops not vomit.. hurrrmm...

After I feeds my cats with Feline Caviar, they less puking and my cats gain weight and look happier.

As mentioned by Maneki Neko, Feline Caviar not really expensive, 6.8kg pack only RM118. Around rm20 higher than Blackwood, but I guess it really worth to get.

I think after this I will change to Feline Caviar totally.
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Old 09-16-2011, 10:25 PM
Sharon The Paw Sharon The Paw is offline
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by irenelance View Post
sharon..where can i get salmon oil? i've been meaning to make own wetfood as the ones selling at the market are getting expensive each day! same as u, i give my boys kibbles during the day and wetfood at night as sometimes they very malas to drink water

i wanna try ur recipe but i once read that chicken liver and egg yolk are not so good for cats (forgot where i read it)..as liver is where all the toxic accumulated and egg yolk may develop allergy or something..

pls correct me if i'm wrong
Originally Posted by irenelance View Post
sharon..where can i get salmon oil? i've been meaning to make own wetfood as the ones selling at the market are getting expensive each day! same as u, i give my boys kibbles during the day and wetfood at night as sometimes they very malas to drink water

i wanna try ur recipe but i once read that chicken liver and egg yolk are not so good for cats (forgot where i read it)..as liver is where all the toxic accumulated and egg yolk may develop allergy or something..

pls correct me if i'm wrong
Hello Irene,
I buy my cat food and salmon oil from the Pet Safari at Ikano Power Center (right in front of The Curve). The price for 500ml is RM58, and it can last a long time.

I found this recipe online; I spent ages looking for a good cat food recipe, but most of them are just a joke: They cook the cat food using ingredients like cereal, butter, and oyster sauce etc. I also notice there are many people feeding raw meat to cats, but I don't want to risk it. I'm concerned about bacteria like Salmonella and others. Cooked food is healthy and safe, so I will stick with it.

Chicken liver is rich in vitamin A, which is good for cats; however, make sure you don't use too many as too much vitamin A will be stored in the cat's liver and can cause health issues. I usually put 5 ounces of chicken liver per 1 kg of meat.

I add 1 egg yolk to make enough food to last for 2 to 3 days. I feed my cats cooked food 2 or 3 times a week. I've been told it's fine if you don't feed your cat egg yolk everyday; 2 or 3 times a week is fine. It is high in protein,which is good for your cat.

I only buy organic or free range eggs--NO battery farm eggs!! They treat chicken's dreadfully in battery farms. It's not easy to buy organic meat in this country, so I just buy fresh meat. I would be delighted if someone could tell me where to buy organic meat in Damansara.

Another important ingredient I missed was taurine: You should add some to your home cooked cat food. Just Google it for more details.

Hope your cats love's the freshly cooked food.

Last edited by Sharon The Paw; 09-16-2011 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 02-14-2012, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Originally Posted by Sharon The Paw View Post
Saya masak untuk kucing saya 1 minggu sekali cukup untuk 2,3 hari.
Recipe saya:
Chicken breast atau ikan(hanya pilih ayam atau ikan yang segar)
Hati ayam
Salmon oil
Potato atau nasi(saya add sikit je sebab cat tak perlu banyak sangat carbohydrate)
Egg yolk

Saya boil air lepas tu add potato,chicken liver,chicken breast/ikan dan teluk(whole egg) sampai masak. Saya hanya guna egg yolk saja lepas ia masak sebab kucing saya tak suka egg white. Lepas tu saya mash potato,egg yolk then shredded ayam, chicken liver ke very small pieces.Lepas tu add garam(saya add quarter of tea spoon iodized garam untuk makanan tiga hari untuk kucing2 saya) vitamin(pecahkan sampai powder) dan salmon oil(saya add 6 table spoon) Campur semua sekali dan serve.
Banyak makanan yang manusia boleh makan tapi tidak sesuai untuk kucing sperti bawang putih,bawang besar atau chocolate dan banyak lagi.Google untuk lebih information atau tanya vet anda.

P/S saya diberitahu kucing memerlukkan minyak haiwan jadi biasanya saya add kulit ayam ke boiling water bersama ingredients yang saya sebutkan tadi. Saya selalu masak untuk kucing saya atau bagi mereka wet food.Dry food terlalu kering dan jika kucing tak minum air yang cukup boleh membawah masalah kesihatan biasanya kidney problems. Kucing saya tak suka minum air so saya bagi mereka1 kali dry food dan satu kali wet food setiap hari dan cooked food 2 atau 3 kali seminggu. Kucing boleh mendapadatkan air daripada wet food.
Hi Sharon,

Thanks for sharing your recipe. I'm going to give this a try. I just have a few questions.

1) Do you boil the egg yolk together with the meat?
2) How do you store the food? Do you freeze it after it's cooked?
3) Should I blend/grind all ingredients together after cooking to crush all the bones or is it better to de-bone the meat?
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Old 06-13-2012, 08:47 PM
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Default Orijen

Originally Posted by Vee20 View Post
I think your kitten will do fine with the switch I have a cat (Checkers) who used to have a sensitive tummy as a kitten, and I was like many others, deluded into thinking high price=quality. Many trips were made to the vet but we still couldn't cure his bouts of diarrhea.

My cats were all on Blackwood at the time. The others (adults) seemed okay, but over a period of 6 months, I noticed a steady increase in 'chuck-ups' @ vomiting, not just in one but three of my cats. I was absolutely paranoid I stopped feeding the brand immediately. I spoke to my vet after and naturally, he recommended a switch to the 'high-quality' Royal Canin. According to him, the kibbles were proven to be highly digestible. For the price, I figured it would be better.

Alas, months went by, there were no more 'chuck-ups' but my cats were putting on too much weight, they got sluggish over time and the diarrhea problem did not stop for Checkers!

That was when I went online and did tons of research online, and found out about the many issues related to feeding cats any form of corn, wheat, by-product, grain food etc. Scanned through so many reviews on holistic cat-food brands and finally came across the brilliant Orijen. It was luckily, conveniently available where I stay, I decided to give it a try. And the result was well worth all the trouble!

Checkers had NO more diarrhea, there was no more vomiting in the household, my cats lost significant weight WHILE developing lean muscle. Today (it's been over a year), they're very active and best of all, ENJOY feeding time they look forward to their Orijen kibbles day and night!

Orijen makes kibbles packed with meat-proteins (try carrying the bag for a rough idea of how heavy the kibbles really are), thus they eat-less, it's actually saves cost in the long-run!

It's rather expensive at Rm87 (2.5kg), I purchase four bags a month at Rm300 for my own 5 cats. It's still a better option, considering how you won't have to spend at the vet later (when potential medical problems arise). Your cats will LOVE you so much more for it too!

P.S: Feline Caviar is really good too, this is what I feed my guests@rescued cats, it's much lower in cost and they love it!

Orijen=80% protein, grains free. After i baca review on Orijen, i pun beli la the biggest pack of 7 kg for my 5 cats. Before this, dorang makan RC Hair&skin tapi rasanya xde pork..anyway, I just bought orijen 7 kg tapi dorang tak suka makan orijen. 3 kena diarrhea..unstoppable diarrhea sampai 2, 3 4 pagi kena teman pegi potty..2 3 kali pula tu..tension betull!! Kesian tengok dorang tu sampai punggung merah.tu yang after that terus refuse tak nak makan orijen. I dah mix dengan old food tapi dorang tu either refuse to eat or pilih makan old food je..yang tinggal orijen dalam pot..funny pun ada jugak tengok dorang ni. Yang lagi 2 tu makan sikit je..weird betul, my cats xkena dengan orijen langsung..Anyway,since baru makan about 10-15% of 7 kg orijen, i thought nak jual balik orijen ni. I bought it at Pet Safari for RM 188.00, so sekarang i nak jual leftover tu at RM 100.00...Leftover tu still in the original pack and i simpan dalam air-tight container. Anybody interested?
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Old 10-06-2012, 08:12 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Resepi makanan kucing

Saya ni ari2 bagi strays & PR (strays yg kami dah mandulkan) makan..nak bagi wet food dalam tin hari2 boleh kopak beb sebab boleh tahan banyak strays kat tempat saya...so ni la resipi yang saya bagi kat strays;

Dada ayam rebus
Ikan tongkol (sekeping) rebus
Telur rebus (sebiji)
Nasi (masak dgn kuib ayam Knorr sebagai perisa)
Friskies kibbles Salmon & Tuna 2 in 1 (pilih yang ni sebab akan keluarkan gravy biladicampurkan dgn air)
Brewers yeast (hancurkan)

Bila dah masak, saya carik2 kan daging ayam & ikan tadi. Telur tu saya lenyek2kan. Sementara tu, campurkan air dalam Friskies kibbles tu supaya gravy dia keluar. Bila dah agak lembik kibbles tu, gaulkan sekali dgn nasik, telur, dada ayam, ikan tongkol, multivit & brewers yeast. Letakkan dalam mangkuk kucing. Tambah air rebusan 2-3 senduk. Lastly, for garnishing, sprinkle any brand of kitten kibbles kat atas food tadi.

Kadang-kadang saya campurkan jugak carrot. Tengok availability barang dapur

Selamat mencuba!
“What greater gift than the love of a cat?” – Charles Dickens

Last edited by kuntum; 10-06-2012 at 10:41 PM.
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Old 12-26-2012, 10:55 AM
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Smile Re: Orijen

Originally Posted by Anna12 View Post
Orijen=80% protein, grains free. After i baca review on Orijen, i pun beli la the biggest pack of 7 kg for my 5 cats. Before this, dorang makan RC Hair&skin tapi rasanya xde pork..anyway, I just bought orijen 7 kg tapi dorang tak suka makan orijen. 3 kena diarrhea..unstoppable diarrhea sampai 2, 3 4 pagi kena teman pegi potty..2 3 kali pula tu..tension betull!! Kesian tengok dorang tu sampai punggung merah.tu yang after that terus refuse tak nak makan orijen. I dah mix dengan old food tapi dorang tu either refuse to eat or pilih makan old food je..yang tinggal orijen dalam pot..funny pun ada jugak tengok dorang ni. Yang lagi 2 tu makan sikit je..weird betul, my cats xkena dengan orijen langsung..Anyway,since baru makan about 10-15% of 7 kg orijen, i thought nak jual balik orijen ni. I bought it at Pet Safari for RM 188.00, so sekarang i nak jual leftover tu at RM 100.00...Leftover tu still in the original pack and i simpan dalam air-tight container. Anybody interested?
Dear Adik,
Did you mixed with the old food and slowly giving the new food?
It happens like this if you give new food. You cannot change and give directly straight.

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."~Thomas A. Edison
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