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Cats & Kittens General information and discussions on taking care of your feline buddy

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Old 07-01-2009, 08:43 PM
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Exclamation Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

I've noticed that lately, a number of people are breeding kittens as young as 5 months old.

If for some obscure reason you need to breed your cats, instead of adopting the many lovely kittens around, please at least have the decency to wait until your cat is at least A YEAR OLD.

Would you want to breed your own daughter at 8 years of age??!!! Because that's how old a 5 month old kitten is in human years.

Below is a good article to prepare your cat before you breed her.

---- article extracted from http://cats.suite101.com/article.cfm...t_for_breeding ----

Preparing Your Cat for Breeding
Proper Care Begins When They’re Kittens

Raising a Breeding Kitten

There is nothing more important in raising purebred cats than making sure that they have the perfect temperament for their breed. Most families prefer a certain type of personality, whether it be playful or docile, super loving or independent. Remember rule number one of breeding ethics: Always think of the cats first. So your goal in producing kittens should be to find them the perfect forever home where they’ll be safe and happy and loved. Poor personality matches put kitties in shelters.

How do you make sure your cats have the perfect temperament? You spend time with them! Play fetch with your Maine Coon, pamper your Persian, talk to your Siamese! Your happy queen will raise happy kittens. Anxious, nervous, or bad tempered cats should never be bred!

Feline Health Screening

When you buy your kitten, she will come with a health guarantee (never buy a kitten without a health contract). Most breeders require a signed contract agreeing to a specific time period (normally 3 days) in which you must have your kitten screened by your own vet. Your vet will give your kitten their vaccinations, check for general health and wellbeing, internal and external parasites, Feline AIDS and FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). You should also have them tested for FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). Make sure you are aware of all breed specific health problems and have your cat tested for any problems that are common to your breed.

Breed Specific DNA Testing

Before you ever breed your cat, regardless of the health guarantees provided by the breeder where you purchased your kitten, you must perform your own DNA testing for any breed specific genetic illnesses that your cat might carry and pass on to their offspring. Some Persian lines, for example, carry PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease), and there is a DNA test that can tell you if your cat has PKD. They can’t pass it on to their young if they do not have it, so only PKD negative Persians are bred. It is every breeder’s responsibility to help correct any genetic problems related to their breed, and any reputable breeder will take every precaution they can to make sure that every kitten they produce is perfectly healthy.

Proper Age to Begin Breeding Your Cats

A cat is considered an adult at eight months of age, but this is not when you should begin breeding your cats. You should wait until your cat is at least a year old so that they are mature enough, both physically and emotionally, to raise their kittens. If you intend to have a cageless cattery, this means that you will have to take special precautions to keep your male and female cats separated. Female cats can come into heat as early as four months old, and males can become sexually active by six or seven months old. Allowing them to breed too young can kill your queen and leave you with a litter of orphaned kittens that may not survive.

Care and Grooming for Breeding and Kittening Time

Most breeds don’t need anything more than a good healthy diet when they are carrying their kittens, and some breeders feed their queens kitten food during their last two weeks of pregnancy. Some breeds, however, will require special care for their coat. Persians, for example, need to have their tummy hair trimmed so that kittens can feed easily. A hygiene clip is also a good idea for longhaired breeds so that your queen can stay clean. Some breeders prefer keeping their breeding cats in a lion cut.

Before breeding, it is a good idea to get your cat’s vaccinations updated, have them wormed, and make sure they have no ear mites or fleas. Your cat should be the picture of perfect health before they carry, deliver, and raise a litter of kittens!

How Often Can Cats Be Bred?

Cats in the wild can deliver three litters a year, but this means that they are becoming pregnant while still nursing a litter of kittens. This is very hard on a cat's health and shouldn't be done with breeding cats. Breeding cats can safely have a couple of litters a year. Some breeders recommend breeding consecutive litters and then allowing the queen to rest for the rest of the year, while others let the mother rest for four to six months before breeding the second time. If a queen has a difficult delivery her first time, do not breed her again that year, and if she does have a difficult delivery, make sure to ask your vet’s advice on whether she can be bred again or if she should be spayed.

Remember, before you breed a litter of kittens, make sure you are breeding to improve your breed and that you always put the needs of your cats first.
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Old 07-06-2009, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

alhamdulillah...sepanjang pengalaman jd nenek ni sumernyer boo jaga dgn baik......sumer yg dikatakan di atas telah dilaksanakan......
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Old 07-06-2009, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Originally Posted by booboo View Post
alhamdulillah...sepanjang pengalaman jd nenek ni sumernyer boo jaga dgn baik......sumer yg dikatakan di atas telah dilaksanakan......
Contoh nenek mithali
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Old 07-06-2009, 04:25 PM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

sayang anak n cucu kan....
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Old 07-08-2009, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Thanks for the info dear.
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Old 07-08-2009, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Good for you.

Originally Posted by booboo View Post
alhamdulillah...sepanjang pengalaman jd nenek ni sumernyer boo jaga dgn baik......sumer yg dikatakan di atas telah dilaksanakan......

You're welcome.

Originally Posted by oni hatamah View Post
Thanks for the info dear.
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Old 10-16-2010, 05:48 PM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Thanks for the information. Mamacat ada 4 persian cat (2m2f). Masing2 dah more then 2 years old n Mamacat teringin sangat nak menimang cucu. Bila breading time datang bukan main lagi "aw" sana sini tapi tunggu2 tak ada apa pun. Any suggestion what I m suppose to do?
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Old 10-16-2010, 10:19 PM
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Default Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Yes, neuter ALL your cats. We have enough overpopulation unwanted cats & dogs and please do not add yours to the statistic. If you want more cat, you can always adopt from SPCA, PAWS and even take any cats from the street.

Originally Posted by MamaCat View Post
Thanks for the information. Mamacat ada 4 persian cat (2m2f). Masing2 dah more then 2 years old n Mamacat teringin sangat nak menimang cucu. Bila breading time datang bukan main lagi "aw" sana sini tapi tunggu2 tak ada apa pun. Any suggestion what I m suppose to do?
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Old 11-23-2010, 12:05 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Well read and very informative. Thank you
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."~Thomas A. Edison
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Old 11-23-2010, 01:25 PM
azieazlie azieazlie is offline
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Originally Posted by June View Post
Yes, neuter ALL your cats. We have enough overpopulation unwanted cats & dogs and please do not add yours to the statistic. If you want more cat, you can always adopt from SPCA, PAWS and even take any cats from the street.
setuju dengan june..
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Old 12-11-2010, 07:17 PM
shahcats shahcats is offline
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Originally Posted by MamaCat View Post
Thanks for the information. Mamacat ada 4 persian cat (2m2f). Masing2 dah more then 2 years old n Mamacat teringin sangat nak menimang cucu. Bila breading time datang bukan main lagi "aw" sana sini tapi tunggu2 tak ada apa pun. Any suggestion what I m suppose to do?
mama 2tahun mmg da boleh..harap mama boleh jadi nenek yang baek..:D
makesure jgn mate dengan adik beradik..sebab byk penyakit boleh kene..
klau xjadi gak kazi zass..hehe
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Old 12-11-2010, 09:15 PM
july8 july8 is offline
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

im worried my 5mths old kitty is on heat~
have any ideas on how to not neuter d cat but to tone down the heat?
mcm meroyan pn ade jgk..tak pdn dgn kecik~
die buat sound non stop ..mkn tak lalu.. my god~~~
plan nak neuter once die reach 6mnths..tp tak sgke pulak cpt heating nye..
helpp =____=~~
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Old 12-11-2010, 10:47 PM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Originally Posted by july8 View Post
im worried my 5mths old kitty is on heat~
have any ideas on how to not neuter d cat but to tone down the heat?
mcm meroyan pn ade jgk..tak pdn dgn kecik~
die buat sound non stop ..mkn tak lalu.. my god~~~
plan nak neuter once die reach 6mnths..tp tak sgke pulak cpt heating nye..
helpp =____=~~
hye..kalau plan nak spayed bagus la..ada klinik yg boleh buat 5months gak..klau plan nak spayed masa umur 6 bulan..kene sabar la bile dia meroyan2..hehehe kene pekakkan telinga..kucing awak short hairkan?
short hair mmg cepat onheat..kadang2 3bulan da onheat..so rasanya xpayah tunggu lagi.boleh da antar g spayed..:D
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Old 12-23-2010, 11:19 PM
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Smile Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

saya ni baru agi dalam petfinder ni,na dapatkan info sesiapa yang tahu umur berapa tahun/bulan kucing jantan akan sampai umur dia nak mengawan...saya sekarang nih ada kucing jantan named bell yang berumur hampir 6 bulan,just untuk info bila masa dia dah mengawan dan mesti ada sign2 tertentu kan? sudi2kanlah tolong bagi info kat saya.

belang bell
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Old 02-11-2011, 11:26 PM
graceccy87 graceccy87 is offline
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Originally Posted by June View Post
Yes, neuter ALL your cats. We have enough overpopulation unwanted cats & dogs and please do not add yours to the statistic. If you want more cat, you can always adopt from SPCA, PAWS and even take any cats from the street.
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Old 02-11-2011, 11:34 PM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Originally Posted by bell_nas View Post
saya ni baru agi dalam petfinder ni,na dapatkan info sesiapa yang tahu umur berapa tahun/bulan kucing jantan akan sampai umur dia nak mengawan...saya sekarang nih ada kucing jantan named bell yang berumur hampir 6 bulan,just untuk info bila masa dia dah mengawan dan mesti ada sign2 tertentu kan? sudi2kanlah tolong bagi info kat saya.

emm.. ikut pengalaman saya, bulan 5 hingga bulan 7 kucing akan ada spray kencing kat merata tempat dah jadi sangat aggresive. Dia akan calar and gigit sampai dai dapat keluar and mencari pasangan..

Ia adalah lebih baik klau anda hendak neuter atau spay kucing anda.

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Old 03-27-2011, 12:09 AM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post
I've noticed that lately, a number of people are breeding kittens as young as 5 months old.

If for some obscure reason you need to breed your cats, instead of adopting the many lovely kittens around, please at least have the decency to wait until your cat is at least A YEAR OLD.

Would you want to breed your own daughter at 8 years of age??!!! Because that's how old a 5 month old kitten is in human years.

Below is a good article to prepare your cat before you breed her.

---- article extracted from http://cats.suite101.com/article.cfm...t_for_breeding ----

Preparing Your Cat for Breeding
Proper Care Begins When They’re Kittens

Raising a Breeding Kitten

There is nothing more important in raising purebred cats than making sure that they have the perfect temperament for their breed. Most families prefer a certain type of personality, whether it be playful or docile, super loving or independent. Remember rule number one of breeding ethics: Always think of the cats first. So your goal in producing kittens should be to find them the perfect forever home where they’ll be safe and happy and loved. Poor personality matches put kitties in shelters.

How do you make sure your cats have the perfect temperament? You spend time with them! Play fetch with your Maine Coon, pamper your Persian, talk to your Siamese! Your happy queen will raise happy kittens. Anxious, nervous, or bad tempered cats should never be bred!

Feline Health Screening

When you buy your kitten, she will come with a health guarantee (never buy a kitten without a health contract). Most breeders require a signed contract agreeing to a specific time period (normally 3 days) in which you must have your kitten screened by your own vet. Your vet will give your kitten their vaccinations, check for general health and wellbeing, internal and external parasites, Feline AIDS and FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). You should also have them tested for FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). Make sure you are aware of all breed specific health problems and have your cat tested for any problems that are common to your breed.

Breed Specific DNA Testing

Before you ever breed your cat, regardless of the health guarantees provided by the breeder where you purchased your kitten, you must perform your own DNA testing for any breed specific genetic illnesses that your cat might carry and pass on to their offspring. Some Persian lines, for example, carry PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease), and there is a DNA test that can tell you if your cat has PKD. They can’t pass it on to their young if they do not have it, so only PKD negative Persians are bred. It is every breeder’s responsibility to help correct any genetic problems related to their breed, and any reputable breeder will take every precaution they can to make sure that every kitten they produce is perfectly healthy.

Proper Age to Begin Breeding Your Cats

A cat is considered an adult at eight months of age, but this is not when you should begin breeding your cats. You should wait until your cat is at least a year old so that they are mature enough, both physically and emotionally, to raise their kittens. If you intend to have a cageless cattery, this means that you will have to take special precautions to keep your male and female cats separated. Female cats can come into heat as early as four months old, and males can become sexually active by six or seven months old. Allowing them to breed too young can kill your queen and leave you with a litter of orphaned kittens that may not survive.

Care and Grooming for Breeding and Kittening Time

Most breeds don’t need anything more than a good healthy diet when they are carrying their kittens, and some breeders feed their queens kitten food during their last two weeks of pregnancy. Some breeds, however, will require special care for their coat. Persians, for example, need to have their tummy hair trimmed so that kittens can feed easily. A hygiene clip is also a good idea for longhaired breeds so that your queen can stay clean. Some breeders prefer keeping their breeding cats in a lion cut.

Before breeding, it is a good idea to get your cat’s vaccinations updated, have them wormed, and make sure they have no ear mites or fleas. Your cat should be the picture of perfect health before they carry, deliver, and raise a litter of kittens!

How Often Can Cats Be Bred?

Cats in the wild can deliver three litters a year, but this means that they are becoming pregnant while still nursing a litter of kittens. This is very hard on a cat's health and shouldn't be done with breeding cats. Breeding cats can safely have a couple of litters a year. Some breeders recommend breeding consecutive litters and then allowing the queen to rest for the rest of the year, while others let the mother rest for four to six months before breeding the second time. If a queen has a difficult delivery her first time, do not breed her again that year, and if she does have a difficult delivery, make sure to ask your vet’s advice on whether she can be bred again or if she should be spayed.

Remember, before you breed a litter of kittens, make sure you are breeding to improve your breed and that you always put the needs of your cats first.
hi blackie
saya nak tanye berapa lama kucing akan bunting
apa tanda die nak melahirkan
sila beri tunjuk ajar
thank you
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Old 09-14-2011, 04:09 PM
tg77 tg77 is offline
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Originally Posted by graceccy87 View Post

agree too
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Old 05-18-2012, 07:35 AM
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Default Re: Read This First Before You Breed Your Cats!!!!

Hi all,

I'm kinda against breeding cat not because i don't like them. I'm a cat lover my self and I have cat as well that i adopted. Since the world kind of over populated with cat. It is kind of sad to see cats been put to sleep because no place to keep them.


This video above will explain to you how cat become a pest and killer because of their population.

So if there is a lot of people advertise cat for adoption or if there is a lots of cat and kitten by the road side, why don't we just take them and take care of them instead of breeding them.

My cat that I adopted, his name is Ruffy, he is healthy and playful. He might not a pure breed but his fur is long and soft. So I guess no breeding for me.
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