Hall of Shame There are lots of cruel and inconsiderate people out there. Expose their cruel deeds to the world and let them be shamed! |
06-13-2008, 04:01 PM
Animal Lover
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What a shame!
Today, as a matter of fact, just only ... I received an email from a friend in Dubai, here is the contents, as below;
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 20:31:04 +0800
From: mamadog@gmail.com
Subject: Fwd:SHOCKING
Hi all,
this is a very serious matter...
In the 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, he tied him to a rope in an art gallery, starving him to death.
For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful 'masterpiece' based on the dog's agony, until eventually he died.
Does it look like art to you?
But this is not all... the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American decided that the 'installation' was actually art, so that Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008.
Let's STOP HIM!!!!!
Click on the folowing link :
or just copy it in your browser to sign a petion to stop him to do it again,
then digit the name Guillermo Vargas Habacuc to find the petition to sign.
Please do it.
It's free of charge, there is no need to register, and it will only take 1 minute to save the life of an innocent creature.
Please also send this e-mail to as many contact as you can... Let's stop him!!!
If you want to double check all the above informations you can google the name of the 'artist' to see all I have just said corresponds to truth, .
Thank you
06-18-2008, 01:50 AM
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Re: What a shame!
Hi Vivian,
Welcome to our PetFinder forum and thanks for posting up this article on the inhumane treatment of animals.
Yes, there are plenty of such cruel acts going on... thanks to sadistic people that exploit the helplessness of weaker beings. Let's tie him up and starve him, then capture the artistic video of his sufferings and share it on youtube.
Actually with his cruel action, it likely helped raise awareness of such issues to the public and made them unite to take actions to protect this animal and possibly many further ones in the future... so I wonder if he has indirectly helped educate the public, serving as a good "opposite" teaching material?
07-02-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: What a shame!
Originally Posted by AndyKoh
Hi Vivian,
Welcome to our PetFinder forum and thanks for posting up this article on the inhumane treatment of animals.
Yes, there are plenty of such cruel acts going on... thanks to sadistic people that exploit the helplessness of weaker beings. Let's tie him up and starve him, then capture the artistic video of his sufferings and share it on youtube.
Actually with his cruel action, it likely helped raise awareness of such issues to the public and made them unite to take actions to protect this animal and possibly many further ones in the future... so I wonder if he has indirectly helped educate the public, serving as a good "opposite" teaching material?
Exactly as Andy said, just puttin a bullet in his brain is too good for this idiot!!! Should tie him up starve and then put it on youtube.
Puttin one animal thru torture and suffering IS NOT justifiable to prove the point of educating the public. I think the general public is already aware of the situation but merely choosing to ignore the problem. Photos of animals suffering can be just as good and have the same devastating effect as a live one. Just think of it, we feel bad for starving children around the world without one of them being tied at the local art gallery to educate us....
08-27-2008, 12:33 AM
Animal Lover
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Re: What a shame!
i dont think we need to be an animal lover to know this is wrong.. hope the doggy knows if i were there i would lay camp and stay with him and feed him and love him. it would be the prettiest and rarest art there, its called compassion.
08-27-2008, 01:31 AM
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Re: What a shame!
Originally Posted by Ferreted
i dont think we need to be an animal lover to know this is wrong.. hope the doggy knows if i were there i would lay camp and stay with him and feed him and love him. it would be the prettiest and rarest art there, its called compassion.
I want to sign.. PaĆ*s: meaning?
08-27-2008, 01:32 AM
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Re: What a shame!
Click on the folowing link :
or just copy it in your browser to sign a petion to stop him to do it again,
then digit the name Guillermo Vargas Habacuc to find the petition to sign.
Please do it.
It's free of charge, there is no need to register, and it will only take 1 minute to save the life of an innocent creature.
I want to sign..PaĆ*s: meaning?
08-27-2008, 01:41 AM
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Re: What a shame!
Done signed
Let's tie him up and starve him, then capture the artistic video of his sufferings and share it on youtube
Exactly..i'll be the first to congratulate him for the artistic impression and hard kick his jaw for pleading food from me!
08-27-2008, 08:30 AM
Mama Kabu & ChiChi
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Re: What a shame!
Me signed already too. I just cant help wondering.....
How come dlm ramai2 yg tenguk exhibition tu, tak ada ke yg berotak sikit untuk menegur si 'artist' keparat tu bahawa apa yg dilakukannya bukan art tapi satu tindakan yg salah & melanggar hak asasi haiwan ? Mengapa manusia semakin hari yg kononnya semakin cerdik tapi hakikatnya semakin bodoh ?
I learn my lesson the hardest & the most painful way. Kapas, mama miss you soooo much !!! It hurts, baby...
08-27-2008, 11:46 AM
PetFinder Buddy
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Re: What a shame!
what has the world turned into??? since when ending a being's life considered artistic???
it makes want to cry thinking of the dog's suffering.
rudy & yanty
and our furry dungdungs: eri, minn, chichita, ayoi, indy, elle, comot, puteh, jamie, uban, lola & ms mumm7 & co
08-27-2008, 12:28 PM
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page translated into english
I've translated the page into English so our friends here can understand what was written on that page. Friends, please go and sign the petition. Below is the translated page and the URL which you can click on instead of having to copy and paste.
To: Central Hondura Biennial 2008
14 setiembre 2007 - Del Diario la Nación de Costa Rica leemos: 14 September 2007 - the newspaper La Nacion of Costa Rica read:
En medio de polémica, la Bienal Costarricense de Artes Visuales (Bienarte) 2007 inauguró anoche una estricta y pequeńa selección de obras y premió a seis artistas con el pase para representar al paķs en la Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008. Amid controversy, the Costa Rican Biennale of Visual Arts (Bienarte) 2007 opened last night strict and small selection of works and awarded the pass with six artists to represent the country in Central Honduras Biennale 2008.
Los artistas galardonados en esta sexta edición de la prestigiosa cita de arte contemporįneo fueron Errol Barrantes, Guillermo Habacuc Vargas , Oscar Figueroa, Mimiam Hsu, Esteban Piedra y “La banda de los sumergidos-emergentes” (Sila Chanto y Jhafis Quintero). T he artists winners in this sixth edition of the prestigious appointment of contemporary art were Errol Barrantes, Habakkuk Guillermo Vargas, Oscar Figueroa, Mimiam Hsu, Stephen Stone and "La banda of emerging-submerged" (Sila chant and Jhafis Quintero).
El jurado, integrado por Ana Sokoloff (Colombia), Oliver Debroise (México) y Rodolfo Kronfle Chambers (Ecuador), los escogió con base en obras de gran calidad y excelente coherencia entre idea y ejecución, segśn detallaron. The jury, composed of Ana Sokoloff (Colombia), Oliver Debroise (Mexico) and Rodolfo Kronfle Chambers (Ecuador), chose based on works of high quality and excellent consistency between idea and execution, as detailed.
la Bienarte es organizada por los Empresarios por el Arte. The Bienarte is organized by the Employers for the Arts.
Uno de los "artistas", Guillermo Habacuc Vargas ( http://www.marcaacme.com/blogs/analo...zas_de_habacuc ) permitió la muerte de un perro por inanición durante el evento. One of the "artists", Guillermo Vargas Habakkuk (http://www.marcaacme.com/blogs/analo...zas_de_habacuc) allowed a dog's death by starvation during the event.
Es inadmisible que se pisoteen de esta forma los derechos de los animales y que el "artista" lo hubiera recogido de la calle para dejarlo morir amarrado con una cuerda a la pared de la galerķa cuando tuvo la oportunidad de no hacerlo o incluso salvarlo. I t is unacceptable that were flouted in this way animal rights and that the "artist" would have collected from the street to be left to die tied with a rope to the wall of the gallery when he had the opportunity to do so or even save it.
Del Blog de Rodrigo Peńalba From Blog Rodrigo Peńalba
"Segśn supe el perro murió al dķa siguiente por falta de comida. Durante la inauguración supe que el perro fue perseguido por la tarde entre las casas de aluminio y cartón de un barrio de Managua con nombre de santo que Habacuc que no pudo precisar en el momento. 5 nińos de los que ayudaron en la captura recibieron bonos de 10 córdobas por su colaboración. Durante la exhibición algunas personas pidieron la libertad del perrito, a lo que él artista se rehusó. El nombre del perro era (fue) Natividad, y se le dejo morir de hambre a la vista de todos, como si la muerte de un pobre perro fuera un show mediįtico desvergonzado en el que nadie hace nada mįs que aplaudir o mirar desconcertado." "As I knew the dog died the next day for lack of food. During the inauguration knew that the dog was chased in the afternoon between the houses of cardboard and aluminum of a Managua neighborhood named for the saint who was unable to specify which Habakkuk in the moment. 5 children of those who helped in the capture of 10 cordobas received bonuses for their cooperation. During the exhibition some people called for the freedom of dog, what he refused artist. The name of the dog was (was) Nativity, and I leave him to die of hunger in full view of everyone, as if the death of a poor dog was a shameless media show in which no one does nothing but applaud or look bewildered. "
Nada podemos hacer por este perro pero si tratar de que los organizadores de la Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008 no admitan a este "artista" maltratador de animales. Nothing we can do for this dog but if you try to make the organizers of the 2008 Biennial Central Honduras not admitted to this "artist" mistreatment of animals. Te ruego te adhieras a dicha solicitud y que difundas lo mįs que te sea posible este vergonzoso acto para recoger el mįximo de firmas y vetarlo en la bienal. We ask you accede to this request and that you disseminate as possible this shameful act to collect signatures and a maximum of veto in the biennial.
The Undersigned
Last edited by blackie007; 08-27-2008 at 05:36 PM.
08-27-2008, 01:34 PM
PetFinder Buddy
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Re: What a shame!
I want to sign the petition but what in the world is PaĆ*s?
rudy & yanty
and our furry dungdungs: eri, minn, chichita, ayoi, indy, elle, comot, puteh, jamie, uban, lola & ms mumm7 & co
08-27-2008, 01:47 PM
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Re: What a shame!
Originally Posted by moggies
I want to sign the petition but what in the world is PaĆ*s?
Country, i think. It doesnt matter actually, I put Kuala Lumpur, they accept it anyway.
08-27-2008, 01:54 PM
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Re: What a shame!
Originally Posted by abgraldo
country, i think. It doesnt matter actually, i put kuala lumpur, they accept it anyway.
rudy & yanty
and our furry dungdungs: eri, minn, chichita, ayoi, indy, elle, comot, puteh, jamie, uban, lola & ms mumm7 & co
08-27-2008, 04:31 PM
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Re: What a shame!
From time to time i'll view to web to know what action has been taken about this stupidity and inhuman 'art'..
If anyone know any updates about this do update us..thnx..
" Bad things happen. Trust that good things happen, too.
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08-27-2008, 05:34 PM
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More translation
Originally Posted by moggies
I want to sign the petition but what in the world is PaĆ*s?
Ciudad/Localidad = state/location = kuala lumpur
PaĆ*s = country = Malaysia
08-27-2008, 06:02 PM
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Re: More translation
Originally Posted by blackie007
Ciudad/Localidad = state/location = kuala lumpur
PaĆ*s = country = Malaysia
zee sign those part terbalik plak...huhu..
nanti maybe i'll sign again if it's allowed to do so...
we must stop this inhuman actions!!
" Bad things happen. Trust that good things happen, too.
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08-27-2008, 06:37 PM
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Re: More translation
Originally Posted by BabyZee
zee sign those part terbalik plak...huhu..
nanti maybe i'll sign again if it's allowed to do so...
we must stop this inhuman actions!!
Yeah, I wonder if allowed to sign again....I signed just now using my name, maybe next I'll sign as blackie007.
08-27-2008, 10:15 PM
PetFinder Buddy
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Re: What a shame!
i hope that this bastard will starve to death like what he did to the previous dog...i wonder tho do these people have a brain and if they do where do they place their brains at?under the feet or at the buttock?I hope this will put to an end...
-i do believe that arts doesnt compromise torture and inhuman treatment towards other creatures...only the insane people do-
i agree with andy's idea, why dont we catch this guy, tie him to the rope till he dies..then lets upload the video on the youtube since those people claims this as an art....
Last edited by azris; 08-27-2008 at 10:28 PM.
08-28-2008, 12:20 AM
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Re: What a shame!
Originally Posted by azris
i hope that this bastard will starve to death like what he did to the previous dog...i wonder tho do these people have a brain and if they do where do they place their brains at?under the feet or at the buttock?I hope this will put to an end...
-i do believe that arts doesnt compromise torture and inhuman treatment towards other creatures...only the insane people do-
i agree with andy's idea, why dont we catch this guy, tie him to the rope till he dies..then lets upload the video on the youtube since those people claims this as an art....
the world is so perverted........first they enjoyed watching human beings being tortured for real, then they enjoyed watching animals being tortured and killed, now they do it in art galleries and call it art..........
As long as there are people who enjoy this kind of perverted show, there will be people who will produce this kind of show......it's supply and demand.
So, if we can stop the demand for this, then perhaps the people who commit these crimes might be less inclined to produce this type of entertainment.
08-28-2008, 04:43 AM
.:: Baby, I dig you! ::.
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Re: What a shame!
i got an email replied by petition online so i guess they have accepted my signed..
i think u guys might receive the same email too...
so i guess it's good that they've send an email to confirm our signed on the petition...
so therefore here i'm pasting the appropriate part that the email contained...
Dear Friends,
I have just read and signed the online petition:
"Boicot a la presencia de Guillermo Habacuc Vargas en la Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008"
hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition
service, at:
I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself.
Best wishes,
" Bad things happen. Trust that good things happen, too.
Sometimes youve just got to close your eyes, hold on tight and believe. "
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