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View Poll Results: Barak Obama is considering getting a dog. What breed would you recommend?
Labrador retriever 0 0%
Golden retriever 1 10.00%
Beagle 0 0%
Whippet 0 0%
Poodle 0 0%
Rottweiler 1 10.00%
Pit Bull 0 0%
Jack Russell terrier 1 10.00%
Pug 0 0%
Mixed breed/stray or shelter pet 5 50.00%
German Shepherd 1 10.00%
Yorkshire terrier 0 0%
Boxer 0 0%
Daschund 0 0%
Bulldog 0 0%
Shih Tzu 0 0%
Minerature schnauzer 1 10.00%
Chihuahua 0 0%
Pomeranian 0 0%
Voters: 10. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-06-2008, 01:33 AM
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Default Barak Obama is considering getting a dog. What breed would you recommend?

Which breed going as president dog. First dog at white house.
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Old 11-06-2008, 02:00 AM
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Default Re: Barak Obama is considering getting a dog. What breed would you recommend?

He should get a mixed breed shelter dog hehe... why?

1) He will set a good example to the public in saving homeless animals

2) Just like Obama with mixed heritage uniting people from all races, the First Dog in White House that is a mixed breed can unite all breeds of dogs, representing them to fight for more play time and doggy treats from their owners haha...
Old 11-06-2008, 10:08 AM
ForPHiT^1 ForPHiT^1 is offline
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Default Re: Barak Obama is considering getting a dog. What breed would you recommend?

Definitely mongel. Obama could teach American to cherish mongrel and treat mixed breed equally. He could lead USA to euthanize free nation.
Old 11-06-2008, 02:03 PM
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Default Re: Barak Obama is considering getting a dog. What breed would you recommend?

mongrel!!!! ADOPTION SAVES LIVES!!!!
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Old 11-07-2008, 01:15 AM
BellXun BellXun is offline
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Eh Chow Chow not in the list. I would like him to adpot a chow chow.... will look wierd... but nice~

Old 11-07-2008, 10:08 AM
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Default Re: Barak Obama is considering getting a dog. What breed would you recommend?

Above 20 breed is the most popular at USA. I will add Chow Chow if you want!!!
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Old 11-13-2008, 01:41 AM
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Default 130am later news update Presidential Pooch Watch

Ever since president-elect Obama mentioned that his kids are getting a puppy, dog lovers around the world have been panting with anticipation to learn what kind of dog will become first pup.

Obama, who described the decision as a "major issue," is on the hunt for an allergy-free dog, since daughter Malia is allergic. Seeing that Obama is the first "global president," it's not surprising that the Fido frenzy has gone international.

Peru has suggested its native Peruvian hairless dog, a bald, toothless breed, which actually looks cuter than it sounds. (You can get better acquainted with the breed here.) The country even has a specific dog in mind. Nicknamed "Ears," the four-month-old has been offered formally to the future first family in a letter sent to the U.S. Embassy. If the Obama girls reject the Peruvian pup, we hope it won't create an international incident.

But if the Obamas want to go American, there are plenty of allergy-free dogs to choose from. In fact, Yahoo! searches on "list of hypoallergenic dogs" surged over 3,000% as the curious researched on their own. Lookups on "goldendoodle," another low-allergy breed, increased 200%, as well as searches on "obama goldendoodle" and "goldendoodle rescue." As Obama mentioned himself, the family's preference is to adopt a dog from a shelter. A shelter dog would likely be, as he joked, "a mutt, like me."

It may be the first difficult choice of his presidency. But at least this decision will come with unconditional love.
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