this may sounds like a "no-brainer" comment but stop and think about it -
how many of you will consider litter-box training for the sake of your cat's safety?
there are owners who will consider litter-box training redundant as cats can "do their own business" outdoors as they always have.
this general observation is true BUT with a caveat - back in the olden days when towns are not towns yet and nature is very much the order of the day.
in those days, cats can wander freely into the undergrowth or wherever they feel like it to relief themselves - and nobody would notice because the cats in those days have lots of natural resources and materials to work it - and i'm not kidding.
however in today's time, the only way a cat can get a patch of soil or sand to work with is in either your own yard or your neighbours' yard/garden/potted plant. that is, if such choices are available, if not they'll have to make do with whatever surface or material they can get hold of - and this can mean your neighbours' terraced and tiled porch, the roadside, etc. - places that society deem is not appropriate for cat to litter due to the resulting mess and clean-up required. this is especially true if you neighbours who don't like animals - they'll scream blue murder for your family and cats if your cats mess up their gardens - they won't thank you for the stink. even tolerant neighbours may find a limit with daily deposits of stinky cat poop and having to clean up the mess.
leaving your cat to take of its business outside may mean less work for you, plus have less mess to clean up after and don't have to take care of the cat that much plus spend less...(so much justification that one thinks up to justify one's action to one's conscience, non?) but in the long run it is not good for your cat's health and safety.
consider the run-ins awaiting your cat when he/she goes outside for their toilet- needs :
1) risk of being set upon by other strays or feral cats in the vicinity - they are very territorial
2) risk of being beaten up or chased or scared away by your long-suffering neighbours who is just waiting for the chance....
3) risk of being injured or maimed or killed in a road accident (just being startled or frightened may push a cat to rush across the street into oncoming traffic)
4) occurence of 1) might lead to other behaviour symptoms that your cat exhibits but kept you confounded
5) occurence of 1) may also means your cat have higher risks of wounds from fights and run-ins
6) contributes to negative perceptions that cats are dirty and messy and uncontrollable (which is furthest from the truth)
7) - risk of cat-napping by either well-meaning but intention-misplaced samaritan or foreign labourer looking for a free meal!
on the other hand, ensuring your cat is litter-box trained means you
1) help to promote positive perception of cats in general through your responsible behaviour
2) lead to good neighbourly relations
3) reduced risk of injuries from traffic accidents and/or fights with other ferals/strays thereby reducing your vet bills in the long run
4) reduce stressful situation and environment for your cats
5) ensure safety of your cats ..at least you can keep tabs on them
6) the cost of the above - priceless and far outweights the cost of buying litter box, material and clean-up.
just another of my two cents.
what do you think??