Originally Posted by ashleywong
hi all
yes the second kitten was a breach. we expect two kitens indicated by the x-ray. i dunno maybe it was a nasty twist of fate. the legs came out first. i didn't mention it as i didn't want to dampen everybody's enthusiasm. i was also to blame as i was over-confident and didn't call on phyllis to check on samantha's condition. since she didn't give birth earlier i thought she'd be exactly due on 31st august. as fate would have it, phyllis lost my hp number...maybe it was fate i dunno. i feel very sad i have failed samantha. i told her i'd make sure she and her babies will be okay and i didn't.
i hope god bless its soul the poor kitty.
Dear Ashley,
Please don't blame yourself about the second kitty. Nobody knew that it would be breached. Only Gods knows. You have already done the best for Samantha and the babies as you took care of her, brought her for medical checkups and even did an ultrascan on Samantha. Most important is our love for her!
Please don't blame yourself as its not your fault.