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Old 08-13-2008, 10:33 AM
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Default Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Friends, klu ada sapa2 yg msh ingat Skeezer dari kitten forum cerita tentang kaki kucing dia yg twisted dan kena potong tp dia tak buat sebab takde duit?? semalam dpt tau dari Mlinda kata Skeezer sgt perlukan duit utk buat operation kaki kucing tu.Dia msh sekolah so tak cukup duit utk buat operation.

Semalam Mlinda,Ina and me dah contribute.Berapa kita donate tak penting yg penting ikhlas. Walaupun RM10. Dia dah antar kucing dia gi vet td tp tak tau apa perkembangan because aku tak masuk kitten lagi.mgkn kawan2 yg masuk sana blh cerita sikit.anyway, my point here is,dermalah seikhlas mana tak penting berapa.paling penting jgn kita ragu samada duit kita kasih tu dibuat operation atau dia saja nak tipu kita.Sebab itu urusan dia dgn Tuhan.

koran blh bank kat akaun dia direct spt dibawah:

[Admin: Removed Bank account details. Please PM this person if you want to donate. Never post personal info on the internet for your own safety]
klu dah bank in blh PM dia bgtau supaya dia tau duit mana yg tiba2 muncul kat akaun dia. apa yg aku nampak, dulu ramai beriya2 kata nak bantu tp skrg suma back off. lebih kita jgn cakap klu kita tak maksudkan nak kasih. dari apa yg aku dengar cerita juga org2 kat kitten cuma mlinda dan abby je yg respond to her pledge.yg lain2 aku tak taulah mgkn durang PM dia ke apa.so terpulanglah pd korang nak ksh ke tak.kita org dah jalankan tugas masing2. PEACE.
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Old 08-13-2008, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Pics Comel sebelum ke klinik...

I hope they're wont be any prob i took these pics from kitten.com.my..
My intention is just to help skeezer and let people see visually on how serious is Comel's injuries...

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Old 08-13-2008, 11:02 AM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Hi kawan2...kita bantu la sikit2 ye....sikit2 lelama jadi bukit...

Ezer/Andy...we are not trying to make PF a welfare dept...we're just helping a fren whose in need. Hope you guys ok with this thread. Once everything is ok the thread can be deleted. Appreciate your concern. tq
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Old 08-13-2008, 02:33 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Hi June,
Thanks for highlighting the issue...
Alrdy transferred RM 18.88 ... not much, but like Ina said "sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit" ... :)
Hope Comel will recover soon....
Comel's wound is similar to the one Lulu had four months ago...

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Old 08-13-2008, 02:50 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

kak june tima kasih banyak banyak sebab tolong post thread saya kat sini...

betul cakap kak june... saya minta ikhlas untuk tolong comel...tapi terserah pada individu untuk percaya atau tak...saya takut jugak org cakap saya ni tipu duit orang...tapi saya tebalkan muka juga untuk minta derma ni....semata mata untuk comel...
sebenarnye saya dah janji nak pegi vet kat nilai ngan kak nurul sabtu ni...vet sana charge 150-180...saya masih mampu untuk bayar harga operation tu...so, saya tak minta derma sbb saya ingat kalo harga macam tu, saya bayer sendiri je...
tapi sebab tak sanggup tgk kaki comel berdarah pagi semalam terpaksa juga saya hantar vet yg terdekat... saya pun dah cerita masalah saya kat doktor, nasib dr.hoo tu baik dan kurangkan beban saya sket... die tak charge untuk boarding lepas operate untuk 2-3 hari....

sekarang ni dah ramai jugak kawan kawan dari forum kitten.com.my dah bank in duit... tapi saya tak tahu baper yg kawan2 ni derma kecuali mereka PM saya dan bitau duit yg dah dimasukkan....

pagi tadi gi bank check duit... saya dah tolak ngan balance dalam bank tu, alhamdullilah dah ada 140 ....petang karang saya nak gi check lagi...jadi kepada sesiapa yg dah bank in duit,PM saya supaya saya tahu duit tu dtg dari mana....

dan jangan risau... jika duit tu dah mencukupi, saya akan announce kat thread ni supaya kawan2 sume boleh stop bank in duit.... jika duit tu terlebih sket, harap halalkan ya..sebab saya mmg nak beli collar and antiobiotic /painkiller untuk lepas operation...

tima kasih baby_zee sbb tolong post kan gambar tu kat sini....
tima kasih kak june sbb tolong saya...
dan tima kasih pada kawan kawan yg dah bank in duit... hanya tuhan je yg akan balas jasa baik korang...

akan saya updatekan pasal comel bile doktor tepon saya nanti...
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Old 08-13-2008, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Originally Posted by sillylupie View Post
Hi June,
Thanks for highlighting the issue...
Alrdy transferred RM 18.88 ... not much, but like Ina said "sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit" ... :)
Hope Comel will recover soon....
Comel's wound is similar to the one Lulu had four months ago...
tima kasih banyak banyak sillylupie...
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Old 08-13-2008, 02:57 PM
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Default Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Takpe Skeezer.kita org mmg tlg ikhlas. mgkn duit yg lebih tu nanti kita simpan dlm tabung yg berlainan pula utk bantu kawan2 yg lain dlm kesusahan.maybe we can start collecting fund after this.jgn lupa posting gambar comel nanti dan update progress dia.

eh, kena timakasih kat mlinda,ina kucing kampung juga.he!!he!! durang yg uar uarkan ke kita org.
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:06 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Skeezer, I akan bank in duit malam nie....sebab skrg siang tak boleh keluar, hehe. But seriously, terlalu panas lah, tak nak keluar. temperature skrg 32 degree celcius but feels like 36.

I will PM you tonight selepas I ATMkan duit dlm akaun kau, ok? Semoga-moga Comel dapat sembuh dengan cepat.
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:17 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Originally Posted by June View Post
Takpe Skeezer.kita org mmg tlg ikhlas. mgkn duit yg lebih tu nanti kita simpan dlm tabung yg berlainan pula utk bantu kawan2 yg lain dlm kesusahan.maybe we can start collecting fund after this.jgn lupa posting gambar comel nanti dan update progress dia.

eh, kena timakasih kat mlinda,ina kucing kampung juga.he!!he!! durang yg uar uarkan ke kita org.

oh yer...tima kasih banyak banyak kat kak mlinda and kak ina....
ermm kat sini kak mlinda ngan kak ina pakai nick aper ??..tak nampak pun dierang..

ok...ok..nanti saya update kan pasal comel...tapi kena tunggu doktor call dulu....die tak tepon lagi... saya pun tak sabar nak tahu ni...
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:19 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post
Skeezer, I akan bank in duit malam nie....sebab skrg siang tak boleh keluar, hehe. But seriously, terlalu panas lah, tak nak keluar. temperature skrg 32 degree celcius but feels like 36.

I will PM you tonight selepas I ATMkan duit dlm akaun kau, ok? Semoga-moga Comel dapat sembuh dengan cepat.

ok.. blackie007....tima kasih banyak banyak... tak per...saya nak bayar kat doktor tu bukan hari ni...tunggu doktor call dulu...
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:19 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Blackie.... afraid of the sun issit .... muahahahahaa ..... vampire..... confirm...

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Old 08-13-2008, 03:27 PM
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Default Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Ina pakai nick hatemetoday,mlinda blm register.nak aja dia join.nick si Ina tu blh tahan gak ganasnya.wakakakakakakak!!

Originally Posted by skeezer View Post
oh yer...tima kasih banyak banyak kat kak mlinda and kak ina....
ermm kat sini kak mlinda ngan kak ina pakai nick aper ??..tak nampak pun dierang..

ok...ok..nanti saya update kan pasal comel...tapi kena tunggu doktor call dulu....die tak tepon lagi... saya pun tak sabar nak tahu ni...
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Hehe, you watch out bina.....i'm going to sink my fangs into your 3 mus cat teers tonight......slurrpppppp.

Originally Posted by sillylupie View Post
Blackie.... afraid of the sun issit .... muahahahahaa ..... vampire..... confirm...
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post
Hehe, you watch out bina.....i'm going to sink my fangs into your 3 mus cat teers tonight......slurrpppppp.
Don't forget, I've got GARLIC! She shall protect us all!

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Old 08-13-2008, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Hee hee, I'm not afraid of your Garlic. She'll be the first kitty I sink my fangs into......your avatar....that's Garlic, isn't it? Neck and belly exposed....yum-yum, so delicious looking........ I'll be there tonight...........gakakkakakak!!!!!!
Originally Posted by sillylupie View Post
Don't forget, I've got GARLIC! She shall protect us all!
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:43 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post
Hee hee, I'm not afraid of your Garlic. She'll be the first kitty I sink my fangs into......your avatar....that's Garlic, isn't it? Neck and belly exposed....yum-yum, so delicious looking........ I'll be there tonight...........gakakkakakak!!!!!!
Eh..ehhh... don't kacau ppl's thread la....
That's Onion la... I think

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Old 08-13-2008, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

oh yeah, nanti dibuang dari forum nie pulak..........eeek....takut......

Originally Posted by sillylupie View Post
Eh..ehhh... don't kacau ppl's thread la....
That's Onion la... I think
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Old 08-13-2008, 04:28 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post
oh yeah, nanti dibuang dari forum nie pulak..........eeek....takut......
ahahah vampire also takut ar... :) cis, vampire apa nie...

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Old 08-13-2008, 04:33 PM
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Default Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

This vampire tau takut ah? heh!!heh!!

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post
oh yeah, nanti dibuang dari forum nie pulak..........eeek....takut......
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Old 08-13-2008, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: Our Friend Badly Needed Donation For Operation

Ini vampire takut selipar jepun punya...
So, we hang selipar jepun on our front door, sure tak leh masuk one...
Sorry Skeezer, we tok bukan2 here....

Oh ya, doc dah call ke? Comel okie?

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