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Old 11-27-2008, 01:34 PM
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Default Catfish: Synodontis eupterus (Featherfin squeaker)

Scientific Name(s): Synodontis eupterus

Common Name(s): Featherfin Catfish, Featherfin Synodontis, Sqeaker Catfish, Sqeaker synodontis

Family: Mochokidae

Species Type: African Catfish

Maximum Size: 8 inches

Life Span: 18 years

Natural Habitat: African Rivers (White Nile)

Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons

Tank Region: Bottom.

Possible Tank Mates: Gobies, african cichlids and other synodontis work well but many other community fish should do just fine.

Description: The Feather Fin Catfish is a fish for long time aquarists. It is a fun fish to have, but difficult to care for. It gets its name from the wonderful dorsal fin, which rays out, much like a fan. While not always true, the Feather Fin Catfish can require a lot of work to maintain. Feather Fin Catfish, also known as Cat Synodontis Eupterus, Featherfin Synodontis, and Featherfin Squeaker, in general, will not like to share a tank with other fish. They have been known to be very territorial, especially when breeding. There are fish that they might be able to coexist with, however. These include large African Cichlids, as they are equally aggressive. Also, they will sometimes get along with other catfish. Feather Fin Catfish get large, so keep them in large tanks. Also, they like lots of rocks and caves to hide in, as well as moderate plant decoration. Feather Fin Catfish like live plants, and will not bother them. At maturity, the Feather Fin Catfish will grow to a size from five to eight inches. Also, these fish have long life spans. There have been reports of these fish living for 18 years. Young Feather Fin Catfish will have a brown marble with black stripes pattern, while adults will develop into a dull gray color with brown spots. As mentioned before, the Feather Fin Catfish has a beautiful dorsal fin, which rays out, much like a fan.

Temperature Range 72°F - 80°F

Breeding Information: Egglayers, however breeding in the home aquarium is undocumented.

Sexing Information: Only known way to sec this species is with venting. Venting is difficult and dangerous to the health of the fish so it should only be performed by a qualified professional.

Diet: Omnivorous - This species will readily accept insects, larvae and algae. It will also accept algae wafers, sinking pellets (carnivore, catfish, shrimp, etc..), spirulina flakes and blood worms.

Temperment: Generally peaceful but is also territorial

Common Diseases: None specific to species.
Hi! I am an animal lover, especially fish, doggie and rabbit. If you have any idea regarding Catfish, let's sharing in this website. Thanks!
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Old 05-08-2013, 12:19 AM
WingedWolfPup WingedWolfPup is offline
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Default Re: Catfish: Synodontis eupterus (Featherfin squeaker)

Originally Posted by teearts View Post

Scientific Name(s): Synodontis eupterus

Common Name(s): Featherfin Catfish, Featherfin Synodontis, Sqeaker Catfish, Sqeaker synodontis

Family: Mochokidae

Species Type: African Catfish

Maximum Size: 8 inches

Life Span: 18 years

Natural Habitat: African Rivers (White Nile)

Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons

Tank Region: Bottom.

Possible Tank Mates: Gobies, african cichlids and other synodontis work well but many other community fish should do just fine.

Description: The Feather Fin Catfish is a fish for long time aquarists. It is a fun fish to have, but difficult to care for. It gets its name from the wonderful dorsal fin, which rays out, much like a fan. While not always true, the Feather Fin Catfish can require a lot of work to maintain. Feather Fin Catfish, also known as Cat Synodontis Eupterus, Featherfin Synodontis, and Featherfin Squeaker, in general, will not like to share a tank with other fish. They have been known to be very territorial, especially when breeding. There are fish that they might be able to coexist with, however. These include large African Cichlids, as they are equally aggressive. Also, they will sometimes get along with other catfish. Feather Fin Catfish get large, so keep them in large tanks. Also, they like lots of rocks and caves to hide in, as well as moderate plant decoration. Feather Fin Catfish like live plants, and will not bother them. At maturity, the Feather Fin Catfish will grow to a size from five to eight inches. Also, these fish have long life spans. There have been reports of these fish living for 18 years. Young Feather Fin Catfish will have a brown marble with black stripes pattern, while adults will develop into a dull gray color with brown spots. As mentioned before, the Feather Fin Catfish has a beautiful dorsal fin, which rays out, much like a fan.

Temperature Range 72°F - 80°F

Breeding Information: Egglayers, however breeding in the home aquarium is undocumented.

Sexing Information: Only known way to sec this species is with venting. Venting is difficult and dangerous to the health of the fish so it should only be performed by a qualified professional.

Diet: Omnivorous - This species will readily accept insects, larvae and algae. It will also accept algae wafers, sinking pellets (carnivore, catfish, shrimp, etc..), spirulina flakes and blood worms.

Temperment: Generally peaceful but is also territorial

Common Diseases: None specific to species.
I have 3 of these guys at home too! They're gorgeous and fun to watch. :P
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