Originally Posted by Canino Animal Rescue
Hi, have just joined this forum so sorry if Im posting in the wrong place!
I just wanted to introduce myself and the rescue, we have been running for just over a year & at the minute I am running the rescue from my home so predominantly looking after cats, but we are always looking for new fosterers to care for other types of pets too! We have rescued and rehomed 79 cats so far from all over the UK. I am personally based in Northampton but have a good circle of friends who often help with transporting.
We are of course a no kill shelter, whatever the rescues need they can have for as long as they need.
I look forward to getting to know the forum & the people on here,
Best wishes
Lauren Canino
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Hello, Lauren --
Kudos for your excellent work rescuing and rehoming. It's always great to hear what people in other countries are doing in the animal welfare arena.
Petfinder.my is based in Malaysia, so this site may not generate a lot of volunteers or adopters for you, but welcome, just the same!