Seeking fosterer for healthy dog in Kl
Hi all
I am looking for someone who can foster my dog in KL area for a few months. She is a 6 year old mixed spitz; healthy, vaccinated and spayed.
Reason for fostering:
I moved down to KL a few months ago (due to work) and currently live in an apartment. I left my dog in Penang with my father, but unfortunately when I last went back to Penang to check he has not been taking care of her.
For this reason I am urgently looking for a foster family until I can find somewhere to live where I can have her with me. I will sponsor her food and I am willing to pay rent for her.
Need to have experience with dogs.
Best not to have cats/small animals - she doesn't get along with cats.
Need to allow me to visit her, take her to the vet etc
Her photo is attached. Interested parties please send me an email or sms me (011 1216 5571).