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PAWS All discussions and information related to the non-profit PAWS organization. PAWS is the society for the welfare of Animals.

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Old 01-30-2009, 02:10 AM
jamie76 jamie76 is offline
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Default Complaint Filing to PAWS

Was trying to find the email to file a complaint to PAWS on a situation observed. Was just leaving a friend's house in Kota Damansara after chinese new year dinner. Upon stepping out of the main gate of the house, i saw a small brown coloured dog in the opposite neighbour's house being tied to a short leash. I then asked my friend, whether the dog was always being tied to the short leash and she said the dog is always on a tight leash whenever the neighbours leave the house to work everyday. I would like to urge SPCA to pay a visit/investigate further on this possible inhumane way of treating this poor soul. I would voluntarily provide the co-operation needed to ensure that the dog is being treated humanely. The address of this house is at No.7, Jln Sepah Puteri 5/7, 47810 Petaling Jaya in Kota Damansara. Please feel free to contact me if you need further clarification or assistance. Hope you are able to attend to this case as soon as possible to avoid any unforseen circumstances from happening. Have also lodge a complaint SPCA.
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Old 01-30-2009, 09:32 AM
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FurKids FurKids is offline
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Default Re: Complaint Filing to PAWS

How to report or give information on incident of cruelty to animals to the Department of Veterinary Services

Send your complaint on incident of cruelty to animals to the Director of Enforcement in the Headquarters or the Chief of Enforcement Branch/Unit in the State/Federal Territory level by the following means:-

 present yourself at the respective office;
 telephone;
 e-mail; or
 written letter

List of Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Department of Veterinary Services for reporting or giving information on incident of cruelty to animals:


Amongst others, the Department lists these information on its official website:


Examples of cruelty to animals:

o failure to supply sufficient food and water to confined animals;
o failure to send injured, sick or wounded animals for treatment by a veterinary doctor in a government or private clinic;
o cruelly beat an animal;
o splash hot oil or water onto a cat that is searching for food;
o bury or burn alive young chicks to cut costs during a glut in supply;
o using cruel methods to slaughter or kill an animal for human consumption;
o cock fighting or baiting.

An act of cruelty to animals is an offence under Section 44(1), Animals Ordinance 1953.

Interpretation of “animal” means any living creature other than a human being and includes any beast, bird, fish, reptile or insect, whether wild or tame.

Officer empowered to act : Any veterinary authority appointed under section 3(3) of the Animals Ordinance 1953.

Action will be taken within the period of 48 hours upon receiving complaint (not inclusive of public holidays or weekends).

Objectives of the Department

• To prevent, control and eradicate animal and zoonotic diseases
• To promote the growth and development of a sound animal industry
• To ensure that foods of animal origin are clean, wholesome and fit for human consumption
• To promote the growth and development of the animal feeds industry
• To ensure the welfare and well being of all animals

No Telefon Am. : 03-88702000
Department Of Veterinary Services,
Wisma Tani, Podium Block
Lot 4G1, Precinct 4
62630 Putrajaya
Tel : (603) 8870 2000
Fax : (603) 8888 6021
"We organized in the past to make Trap-Neuter-Return possible. Today, we organize to make Trap-Neuter-Return the norm and to end the unnecessary killing of cats in animal shelters across the country and provide humane care." - Alley Cat Allies
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