Originally Posted by Zeekoo
Breed : Siberian Husky
Age : 3 or 4
Sex : Male
Color : Cream/brown/white
Condition : Healthy, Neutered & skin problem need to take care
Area: Selangor/KL
Kindly : leave email/ws/sms or pm.
About this dog :
Rescued husky,was dumped by neighbor due to his health conditions (maggot,skin problem). Dont worry! Now he's fine than ever after extra care treated for 2+ months! (Treat under Lian Animal Clinic, Klang)
Active and energetic love tricks! Easy to take care with,just need time bring for walk twice a day (love running). Skin sensitive(itching) still need care or treatment. need extra care for bath & food. Its a shame that owner abandon this beautiful dog and i couldn't handle 2 dogs because i have jack russell & small space.
Please do not adopt if you are looking for pets BRANDS not love.
I'm a little upset that people couldn't afford and throw dogs away.
Husky a large breed dog need a little of space. I would not give away if you're not a serious adopter.
For more info kindly leave a msg.
Thank You
Hey Zeekoo,
Those are nice pics, and thanks much for the detailed info. This is awesome, impressive and initimidating...a husky!!!!!!!!!!!

We are looking for a pet for sometime and are unable to decide on whether it should be a cat or a dog. That's how early in the process we are at :) Looking at this Husky I am tempted, but we still need to talk this over in our house to make sure everyone and I mean everyone is on board. I think that is important as I see you suggest yourself.
Is he already taken or still available..will help us talk this over which should be tomorrow when everyone is together. Thanks!