I symphatise with
Dynamitee's query but wonder if this forum or thread has over-reacted. Admittedly, a forum dedicated to rescuing unwanted pets is not normally a good place to ask about finding a breeding partner.
There are many dog-lovers who breed and do so for many reasons, not the least of which is to improve the breed. If it is done to have more pups/dogs of the line that you desire - that is fine. It is your choice to do so.
If, however, it is done so you may call yourself a breeder without having gone through the details of WHY you want to breed a particular dog(s), then you are just creating more misery in this world.
From my experience, to breed and do it well, the owner has to go through several steps and still ask that moral question - am I really improving the breed, or is it for something else?
Steps to take:
1. BEFORE BREEDING - Physical Requirements
Complete Health Screening.
# Radiographs of Hips and Elbow
# Heart & Lungs
# Skin & Coats
# Limbs & Joints
# Nervous System
# Vaccinations
2. BEFORE BREEDING - Social / Breed Character Requirements
Complete Temperament Testing
# Hunt / Prey Drives
# (substitute your requirement for your breed)
# Training Ability
3. AFTER BREEDING - Better Temperament and Training Ability
(redo step 1 at appropriate time)
Complete Puppy Imprinting and Care
# Social Behavior & Confidence
# Environmental Stress
# Proper nutrition from weaning to adoption/sale
# Find suitable home - adoption or sale
# Ensure the pups are brought up according to your expectations.
Dynamitee' can meet these expectations of a
good breeder, then I don't think he should be stopped. If he cannnot, then
Dynamitee should acknowledge he may not have the knowledge or resources to breed properly.
My suggestion for anyone else who may think they know what, why, when, etc about dogs is to read Steven Lindsay,
PS. Steps suggested by me above are not absolute, nor secret. They are generally available info and I adapted it from someone.