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Training & Behavioral Issues Does your cat have an attitude, or just simply refuses to listen to you? Share it with your peers here and learn more about a cat's behavior and training methods

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Old 05-21-2013, 11:31 AM
hash hash is offline
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Unhappy Need Help! Male Cat Having weird Behavior Issues.

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

I have a cat named Casper and last time he's been adopted by my brother(to his house). For about 2years he and another cat named Mimi been isolated from people and other cats. And somehow after he's moving to Perak, me and my dad took them (to our house) and he acted like he so scared and doesn't know what to do. He tend to scratch if a hand trying to pet him. Now after 1 year, he can calmly join other cats (cici & tigress) but still he afraid of people. And also Mimi won't let him to sniff and play with her or else she'll hiss him.

Now I've adopted another cat Named Comel, and I'm wanted him to be friend with her, because I think he will be more calm and do what a normal male cat needs to do. So, is there any advice on how to make these two cats gets along together? coz I think I've a mistake by introducing them too early(only 2 days) and they got into fight. How to make Casper be more calm, and not too afraid of people and not peeing or pooping every where in his cage?

Thank you.
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Old 05-21-2013, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: Need Help! Male Cat Having weird Behavior Issues.

Originally Posted by hash View Post
Assalamualaikum and Hi,

I have a cat named Casper and last time he's been adopted by my brother(to his house). For about 2years he and another cat named Mimi been isolated from people and other cats. And somehow after he's moving to Perak, me and my dad took them (to our house) and he acted like he so scared and doesn't know what to do. He tend to scratch if a hand trying to pet him. Now after 1 year, he can calmly join other cats (cici & tigress) but still he afraid of people. And also Mimi won't let him to sniff and play with her or else she'll hiss him.

Now I've adopted another cat Named Comel, and I'm wanted him to be friend with her, because I think he will be more calm and do what a normal male cat needs to do. So, is there any advice on how to make these two cats gets along together? coz I think I've a mistake by introducing them too early(only 2 days) and they got into fight. How to make Casper be more calm, and not too afraid of people and not peeing or pooping every where in his cage?

Thank you.
Unfortunately, Hash, your cat's behaviour in this instance is not weird, but quite normal, and yes, you have rushed the introduction.

I would recommend reading this article and following the steps carefully. The key for now is to keep the two cats separate until they can get used to each other's scents in their own time: http://www.petfinder.my/library/110_..._to_Your_Home/

Also, I would strongly encourage you to neuter Casper. Neutering will lower his fearful and aggressive impulses, will diminish his territorial behaviours including spraying, will reduce his risk of many health problems and most important, will address the critical problem of overpopulation. Please think twice before considering breeding a litter of kittens unless you are fully prepared to keep and provide good care for all of them.
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