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Hall of Shame There are lots of cruel and inconsiderate people out there. Expose their cruel deeds to the world and let them be shamed!

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Old 04-20-2009, 10:02 PM
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Default Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Petfinder members,
YOU CAN DO IT, Don't let other's breed for greed. Say no to Backyard breeder.
It is THIS sector of the community that needs to be educated.
Campaign Object Backyard breeder with Pet Shop
Petfinder members, we need give educated to public no go support those Pet shop have concern business with Backyard breeder.

The truth is those animals come from accidental or unlicensed backyard breeders, who sell puppies and kitten through local pet shop.
There are no safeguards or checks on the health of either parent animals or their offspring which is why we believe Malaysia needs a campaign to stop backyard breeders.

We know that there are many wonderful Pet Shop owners out there that don't sell animals, and others that put animals from rescue centres in their windows to find homes for them. These are NOT the ones perpetuating the problem. We encourage you to support ONLY these Pet Shops by buying all your pet accessories from them and telling all your friends and family to do the same.

Our campaign is to stop the over breeding of thousands of animals by puppy and kitten farms and backyard breeders and put them out of business. Unfortunately they do trade through many Pet Shops, so Pet Shops have become a big part of the problem. We certainly recognise that Pet Shops are not the only cause of the problem. But however you look at it, there are too many animals bred and not enough homes for them all. That's why so many are euthanased every year. ANYTHING we can do to stop excessive breeding and impulse selling will reduce the numbers killed. Animals should not be bred for profit only to end up being killed when the money has been made.

Pet stores that sell dogs and/or cats are:
Supporting pet mills.
Contributing to pet overpopulation.
Encouraging impulse buys.
Cheating customers.
Abusing animals.

NEVER buy a puppy or kitten from a pet store. There are thousands of dogs and cats already in need of homes. Do the right thing and adopt from local shelters. You can find the perfect pet for you by visiting Petfinder.my
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Last edited by dog is my buddy; 04-21-2009 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 04-20-2009, 10:28 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop


Let's all stop buying from pet shops that sell cats or dogs as their stock.

Those are people who support the irresponsible backyard breeders, and who are contributing to the strays on the street. If you support those pet shops, you are indirectly supporting those backyard breeders, and making a mockery of the TNR or rescue work of the genuine animal lovers in this forum.

So, please Say NO to pet shops that sell pets. Instead, help lighten our TNR and rescue workers' efforts by only buying from pet shops that DO NOT sell cats or dogs.

This is not the first time someone has sent out this call. Another forumner, pugsnmutts has created a similar thread earlier. Here's the link to her thread, "Pet Shops that do NOT Sell Pets".

Thank you.
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Old 04-20-2009, 10:42 PM
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Default Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Yup!! Charlene. It has been a month I didn't buy anything from Petsmore.They sell cats and dogs.I cannot tahan seeing those animals in the cage.Some are sick. I bluntly pointed it out to the sales assistant in front of other customers. I must not buy anything from petshop selling animals (chanting,chanting).

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post

Let's all stop buying from pet shops that sell cats or dogs as their stock.

Those are people who support the irresponsible backyard breeders, and who are contributing to the strays on the street. If you support those pet shops, you are indirectly supporting those backyard breeders, and making a mockery of the TNR or rescue work of the genuine animal lovers in this forum.

So, please Say NO to pet shops that sell pets. Instead, help lighten our TNR and rescue workers' efforts by only buying from pet shops that DO NOT sell cats or dogs.

This is not the first time someone has sent out this call. Another forumner, pugsnmutts has created a similar thread earlier. Here's the link to her thread, "Pet Shops that do NOT Sell Pets".

Thank you.
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:46 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Our Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop start at forum, we need education to forum members for "Say NO"
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Old 04-21-2009, 08:37 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

DIMB, pet shops are not their only outlets ... many sell direct by pasting stickers on pavements, tiangs, TNB posts, everywhere ... I always see ... with the words, "Puppies for sale, contact 01x-xxxxxxx".

The sale is THAT laris and we have THAT many suckers around ...

... it is a very, very profitable business ... one prominent pet shop owner in PJ actually told me it is so profitable business that selling only 2 good dogs a month covers your rental in full ...

... and you can then sit back and goyang kaki, pet products tak laris pun tak per ... operating costs semua sudah covered

DIMB, why don't you do a poll and see how many on this forum alone own purchased dogs/offsprings of purchased dogs and how many actually own ex-street or shelter dogs?

If done honestly, the results will be very, very revealing/interesting indeed!

Me, I own none, only longkang cats ... proud of and adore each and every one of them! I think they all sudah pukau me!
"We organized in the past to make Trap-Neuter-Return possible. Today, we organize to make Trap-Neuter-Return the norm and to end the unnecessary killing of cats in animal shelters across the country and provide humane care." - Alley Cat Allies
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Old 04-21-2009, 09:52 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Originally Posted by dog is my buddy View Post
Our Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop start at forum, we need education to forum members for "Say NO"
100% in agreement with you. every movement has to start somewhere and i believe boycotting pet shops in cahoots with backyard breeders is a good place to start. from there other steps can be taken.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated ~ Mahatma Gandhi
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Old 04-21-2009, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

furkid, this time we not do poll, Backyard breeder was many way for do selling those animals. The Pet shop is the most introduce to public as display those animals at shop.
you are right, furkid, it very profitable business, even the pet supply can throw to lower price compare with other pet shop, the main business is selling Backyard Animals.
That way they can sell cheaper pet supply to customers, and sametime introduce animals too. You need give more comments and advise to forum members here for "Say NO"
Yea, Lynielime. Customers no realize buy pet supply for Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop, it is supporting, we should stop order anything from this kind pet shop, even have offer lower price to us. You should more advise to forum members to get their mind in sense.
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Old 04-21-2009, 11:30 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Pet stores that sell dogs and/or cats are:
Supporting pet mills.
Contributing to pet overpopulation.
Encouraging impulse buys.
Cheating customers.
Abusing animals.

NEVER buy a puppy or kitten from a pet store. There are thousands of dogs and cats already in need of homes. Do the right thing and adopt from local shelters. You can find the perfect pet for you by visiting Petfinder.my
Boycott stores that sell dogs and cats. Tell them that you are taking your business elsewhere until they stop selling dogs and cats.
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Old 04-21-2009, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

100% agree too. Had seen too many ppl buying pets from pet shops complaining about how sick & problematic their pets are. There was once this guy from Petsmore came to my shop wanting to buy puppies from me. He got me mix up with another pet shop nearby who is a puppy mill. He actually told he had a lot of his puppies supply from puppy mill in Ipoh & he will take any amount they can supply. The shocking thing I had learned from him is that there are never enough for him.

Most ppl know how many outlets Petsmore had & they will continue to expand as long as the demand for puppies & kittens are there for them. So you see just Petsmore & it outlets alone had encourage the BYB & puppy/kitten mill to increase their production & the ppl who supported them are to be blame. Many pet shops in the market today are merely imitating them, looking at their success. If the ppl continue to support pet shop that sell cats & dogs, they are actually supporting BYB & Kitten/Puppy Mill which is also animal abuse in it way.

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Old 04-21-2009, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Recently a child asked me, "My Persian kittens are brothers. How is it possible that they are brothers when they are born a month apart?" My answer to that child was, "Yes, it is possible. It means your Persian kittens have the same father but different mothers".

These kittens look more like DLSH than Persian to me. But then they were gifts to that child. Whoever got it probably got it from a backyard breeder or bought it from a pet shop. That person did not get his or her money's worth.

This would not happen if you do not support and buy from backyard breeders or pet shops that help BYB sell.

Last edited by cookie; 04-22-2009 at 08:16 AM. Reason: colour
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Old 04-21-2009, 11:35 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

It is not only Petsmore that sells cats and dogs. Even the individual papa-mama petshops are selling cats and dogs, although, most of them sell cats, not dogs, due to space constraints, I think.

And these papa-mama pet shops have a worse living condition for their cats than Petsmore, again, due to space constraints. There's even one in Damansara Utama that actually stacks one small cage on top of another,like a flat, and they were all crying out to me, stretching out their paws when they saw me. I was near to tears, and would have smashed the owner's face had my hubby not dragged me out of the shop, telling me I can't hit a person without any aggravation.

So, let's stay focused. It's not only Petsmore. Any petshop that sells pets is the one contributing to the strays and making the efforts of the TNR & animal rescue workers seem futile --- they can't catch or rescue as fast as these pets are being thrown out on the street or multiply because these pet shops most probably do not neuter their pets either.
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Old 04-22-2009, 10:20 AM
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Default Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

u know Charlene.talking abt papa-mama petshop,I come across one in Desa Pandan behind KFC.I don't remember the name. I cried when I saw the condition of the cats in the cage The kittens seems very happy when I approached them and calling me with their paws. I think they are calling me to take them out from the hell. The condition of the cage is so bad.Smelly and dirty.At that time, I wish I have all the money in the world so that I can rescue them

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post
It is not only Petsmore that sells cats and dogs. Even the individual papa-mama petshops are selling cats and dogs, although, most of them sell cats, not dogs, due to space constraints, I think.

And these papa-mama pet shops have a worse living condition for their cats than Petsmore, again, due to space constraints. There's even one in Damansara Utama that actually stacks one small cage on top of another,like a flat, and they were all crying out to me, stretching out their paws when they saw me. I was near to tears, and would have smashed the owner's face had my hubby not dragged me out of the shop, telling me I can't hit a person without any aggravation.

So, let's stay focused. It's not only Petsmore. Any petshop that sells pets is the one contributing to the strays and making the efforts of the TNR & animal rescue workers seem futile --- they can't catch or rescue as fast as these pets are being thrown out on the street or multiply because these pet shops most probably do not neuter their pets either.
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Old 04-22-2009, 10:49 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Dogs and cats sitting in pigeon holes for sale are the worst place to obtain your pets. Proper and ethical breeders would be able to tell you the following : sire & dam, temperament, build, bloodlines, size at maturity, minimal defect (as they are bred for perfection rather than for $$$), MKA certs, microchipped, etc etc. something which any petshop who obtains from BYB can't do.

If you are seriously looking for purebreeds, do your homework and search for a proper breeder. Look at the food they feed, how they exercise their dogs, how they train, how the dogs are housed in kennels etc then compare against the pet shops. Real breeders will not sell to anyone and you will be evaluated on whether you are qualified to take home their puppies. The choice is clear
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Old 04-22-2009, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

akak june i been b4 to that shop, yeah that shop the guys cramp all those poor animals in the cage...damn kesian the seller rili got no heart, only got greed
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Old 04-22-2009, 11:37 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

that is great to heard that "I wish I have all the money in the world so that I can rescue them"
June still have another way, all you can do is inform to forum members for should stop order anything from this kind pet shop. Boycott stores that sell dogs and cats. Tell them that you are taking your business elsewhere until they stop selling dogs and cats. You do it!

Originally Posted by June View Post
u know Charlene.talking abt papa-mama petshop,I come across one in Desa Pandan behind KFC.I don't remember the name. I cried when I saw the condition of the cats in the cage The kittens seems very happy when I approached them and calling me with their paws. I think they are calling me to take them out from the hell. The condition of the cage is so bad.Smelly and dirty.At that time, I wish I have all the money in the world so that I can rescue them
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Old 04-22-2009, 11:40 AM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Petfinder.my have many advertising selling Pet at their Pet shop. You can start do review about it. Start the Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop.
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Old 04-22-2009, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Come to think of it, DIMB, I think a lot of the dogs selling here are not bred by our BYBs here but are actually smuggled across the border and sold here to meet our demand (and the demand IS very good and lucrative).

They are so cheap and beautiful across the border, it is more profitable sourcing from there than breeding over here although we also have our BYBs operating here.

Walk around town and you see stickers advertising dogs and puppies for sale beside all the Ah Long stickers on tiangs, walls, pavements, everywhere ...

It is a very, very glaring indication of the whole sad situation.
"We organized in the past to make Trap-Neuter-Return possible. Today, we organize to make Trap-Neuter-Return the norm and to end the unnecessary killing of cats in animal shelters across the country and provide humane care." - Alley Cat Allies
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:17 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Yes Charlene, it is definitely not Petsmore alone doing it, I'm only giving an example.

We all know how many such pet shops are in the market & we also know there are many here who do support them. Worst of all some even promote them bcoz they are their friends but yet on the other hand portray how anti they are to BYB & kitten/puppy mill, you be surprise how many such hypocrite there are around us.

There is this 1 pet shop in Kota Kemuning own by a breeder (what type I'll leave it to you to classified) he place many kittens & cats in his shop for sales selling at exorbitant price. There was this 1 cat that he once ask for RM25K just bcoz he won Best in Show in a local cat show which I feel there is nothing to hoo hah about. I have seen cat of far higher quality then that but I don't think they will even price somewhere near it. The worst thing that turn me off is the condition of the cats display there with some kittens having flu placing beside a healthier one. And you know what, they actually operate a veterinary service there too, how can a vet not know that you can't place a sick kitty beside a healthy one. They are trying to impress people that they are a 1 stop pet shop offering pets, grooming, boarding, pet food & product together with veterinary service. I will never board any of my cats in a place where you house sick pets, like I always say, will you check into a hospital for a holiday trip.

Originally Posted by blackie007 View Post
It is not only Petsmore that sells cats and dogs. Even the individual papa-mama petshops are selling cats and dogs, although, most of them sell cats, not dogs, due to space constraints, I think.

And these papa-mama pet shops have a worse living condition for their cats than Petsmore, again, due to space constraints. There's even one in Damansara Utama that actually stacks one small cage on top of another,like a flat, and they were all crying out to me, stretching out their paws when they saw me. I was near to tears, and would have smashed the owner's face had my hubby not dragged me out of the shop, telling me I can't hit a person without any aggravation.

So, let's stay focused. It's not only Petsmore. Any petshop that sells pets is the one contributing to the strays and making the efforts of the TNR & animal rescue workers seem futile --- they can't catch or rescue as fast as these pets are being thrown out on the street or multiply because these pet shops most probably do not neuter their pets either.

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Old 04-22-2009, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

I know how you feel. That was how I felt when I saw those kittens in that petshop in Damansara Utama. We can do something to help stop the numbers of puppy and kitten mills.

Originally Posted by June View Post
u know Charlene.talking abt papa-mama petshop,I come across one in Desa Pandan behind KFC.I don't remember the name. I cried when I saw the condition of the cats in the cage The kittens seems very happy when I approached them and calling me with their paws. I think they are calling me to take them out from the hell. The condition of the cage is so bad.Smelly and dirty.At that time, I wish I have all the money in the world so that I can rescue them

I saw this before, too. In fact, most of the pet shops that sell pets tend to mix their sick and healthy pets together due to space constraints.

Once, I saw a kitten with diarrhea all over her legs in a petshop and I told the staff to clean it up. Then, another time, I saw a retriever puppy in another petshop that kept banging his head against the glass because it didn't want to stay inside the cage. The staff were just standing around, not doing anything. I told them to do something, to take the puppy out for it's hurting itself. It quieted the moment they picked it up and held it in their arms.

Originally Posted by Coony View Post
Yes Charlene, it is definitely not Petsmore alone doing it, I'm only giving an example.

We all know how many such pet shops are in the market & we also know there are many here who do support them. Worst of all some even promote them bcoz they are their friends but yet on the other hand portray how anti they are to BYB & kitten/puppy mill, you be surprise how many such hypocrite there are around us.

There is this 1 pet shop in Kota Kemuning own by a breeder (what type I'll leave it to you to classified) he place many kittens & cats in his shop for sales selling at exorbitant price. There was this 1 cat that he once ask for RM25K just bcoz he won Best in Show in a local cat show which I feel there is nothing to hoo hah about. I have seen cat of far higher quality then that but I don't think they will even price somewhere near it. The worst thing that turn me off is the condition of the cats display there with some kittens having flu placing beside a healthier one. And you know what, they actually operate a veterinary service there too, how can a vet not know that you can't place a sick kitty beside a healthy one. They are trying to impress people that they are a 1 stop pet shop offering pets, grooming, boarding, pet food & product together with veterinary service. I will never board any of my cats in a place where you house sick pets, like I always say, will you check into a hospital for a holiday trip.
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Old 04-22-2009, 03:12 PM
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Default Re: Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop

Here have some basic thing need to know for Campaign Stop puppy and kitten Backyard breeder do trade through Pet Shop.

Supporting pet mills.
The fact is that no responsible breeder would ever sell to a pet store. It just doesn't happen. Responsible breeders want to know where their animals are going and they don't breed their animals often enough to keep stores stocked - only pet mills are able to keep up with the demand.
These commercial breeding facilities produce animal after animal in warehouse like conditions, with only profit in mind. Animals are considered livestock – not pets - and because they are bred for quantity, not quality, unmonitored genetic defects and personality disorders are passed on from generation to generation. Many pet store puppies and kittens develop hip deformities, epilepsy, and vision or hearing problems later on in life. Serious illnesses such as parvovirus, distemper, ear infections, and respiratory problems are also common.

NEVER buy a puppy or kitten from a pet store. There are thousands of dogs and cats already in need of homes. Do the right thing and adopt from local shelters. You can find the perfect pet for you by visiting Petfinder.my
Boycott stores that sell dogs and cats. Tell them that you are taking your business elsewhere until they stop selling dogs and cats.
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