Just a little update and review of the selangor gov vet clinic at section 15. I went there to vax my 2 kittens and an adult cat last 2 weeks. Still operational although the place kinda look a little abandoned. The clinic opens on Saturday and Sunday at 10am-5pm.
Like I said, the place and facilities look a bit abandoned (the most I remembered was the noisy aircond that made my cats panic
). Also the staff may not be as "pro-looking" or "pandai amik hati kucing" as your favorite private vet, no offense here. It is understandable that private vets must "pandai amik hati" the pets and the owner for the cost we are paying. So depending on your pet nervousness, it might take longer for the pet to settle down than when it's at your usual private vet. So you need to take charge here to calm your pet down. But other than that, their service is acceptable and it gets the job done. I'm satisfied.
For vax,
- You can just walk-in. If you have the pet medical card from previous vet need to bring that too.
- Vax cost I believe is 30 per shot. And the deworm meds probably just a couple of ringgit.
For neuter/spaying:
- Need to make appointments. The waiting list seems long probably a 3 weeks wait at least.
- Not certain about cost but I think starts from 100.
Clinic contact 013-3297119
Thank you and selamat berpuasa.