Originally Posted by leqiuw
Dear Administrator,
Thank you very much for having this lovely website.
I am sorry to say this but I found that many members are putting up rabbit for adoption but charging an adoption for no reason, no deworming, no vaccination and not spayed. To me they are selling their rabbits!
Currently, most of us are concern on the over population of dogs and cats and talk about being responsible. We see a lot of dumping of cats and dogs. How about rabbits? Well, probably end up as delicacy in restaurant or rabbit burger if you want to see pet rabbit ended up this way.
I believe that all pet lovers should take responsibility in controlling the excessive birth. Adoption ads of all pets which are misleading and their advertisers shall be warned and banned if continue to mislead.
Thank you
Hi, Lequiw, and welcome to Petfinder!
I know almost nothing about keeping rabbits, so let me ask some questions:
Is it good practice to spay and neuter rabbits?
Can you recommend some vet clinics that offer good rabbit care?
How about vaccinations? What is the standard?
Petfinder is more than just a clearinghouse, or a place to advertise for new homes. We also try to share information for keeping our pets healthy and happy. If you look at the main page, you'll notice a library section. There aren't many articles, sad to say, on rabbits. If you want to post some, that would be wonderful!

If more of us regular, long-time PF members start to learn more about how to care well for pet rabbits, we'll understand better what to look for in the listings and forum posts and can perhaps pass on helpful information.
In terms of adoption fee vs. sales price, what do you feel is a fair and reasonable adoption fee for a rabbit?
Best wishes to you and your bunnies!