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Old 04-09-2011, 09:43 AM
pjud pjud is offline
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Talking Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by samihah View Post
huhu...jrg2 la ade org nk bg free..
GP bkn mcm kucing berlambak2 kt jalan..
lgpon bnde free ni org x appreciate sgt..except for pet lovers!
nk bela something kne ade knowledge dlu b4 tu taw?
Bajet pon kne pk gak mampu or x?
kalo rsa nk beli keperluan diorg tu mcm 1 beban, baik xyah bela..

biasenye kalu free ni mmg bila da dpt akn endah xendah je dgn pets tuh...bila da mati/ilang baru la tehegeh2 kalut..huhuhu but 4 pet lovers it will be more aprtiate to the pets.....hehebukan nk blagak tp 4 me a few moths b4 dis i manage to get sekor meow then almost 100++ to prepare all the things that he really should hve...btw akk felix the cat and zul langat..aritu pjud ade ckp nk dpt free gp type abbys fmle kn....sbnrye xdpt ar..huhuhu sbb the process was cancel due to smthin probs dunno la wat happen to the owner..suddenly almost 1hour b4 i go and adopt that gp she replied to me and wanted to cancel the adoption process..huaargghhh... ni nk kne pg banting la nih...heheheh jom ramai2 konvoi nk
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Old 04-09-2011, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by pjud View Post
sbb the process was cancel due to smthin probs dunno la wat happen to the owner..suddenly almost 1hour b4 i go and adopt that gp she replied to me and wanted to cancel the adoption process..huaargghhh...
Pjud, you might want to read through this thread: http://forums.petfinder.my/showthrea...4742#post94742

It may explain why owners/rescuers who care about their animals are reluctant to have you adopt them.
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Old 04-09-2011, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by pjud View Post
biasenye kalu free ni mmg bila da dpt akn endah xendah je dgn pets tuh...bila da mati/ilang baru la tehegeh2 kalut..huhuhu but 4 pet lovers it will be more aprtiate to the pets.....hehebukan nk blagak tp 4 me a few moths b4 dis i manage to get sekor meow then almost 100++ to prepare all the things that he really should hve...btw akk felix the cat and zul langat..aritu pjud ade ckp nk dpt free gp type abbys fmle kn....sbnrye xdpt ar..huhuhu sbb the process was cancel due to smthin probs dunno la wat happen to the owner..suddenly almost 1hour b4 i go and adopt that gp she replied to me and wanted to cancel the adoption process..huaargghhh... ni nk kne pg banting la nih...heheheh jom ramai2 konvoi nk
rasa nak termuntah dan rasa jijik sangat-sangat bila baca ni ..... tolong tingkatkan rasa tanggungjawab awak baru boleh bela binatang peliharaan. dan tolonglah awak bukan seorang pets lover!!!!!, you are a killer!
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Old 04-09-2011, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by milocute View Post
rasa nak termuntah dan rasa jijik sangat-sangat bila baca ni ..... tolong tingkatkan rasa tanggungjawab awak baru boleh bela binatang peliharaan. dan tolonglah awak bukan seorang pets lover!!!!!, you are a killer!
I second that thought milocute, you phrased it very well!

Last edited by Vee20; 04-10-2011 at 01:55 AM.
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Old 04-10-2011, 12:13 AM
anjeain anjeain is offline
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by pjud View Post
biasenye kalu free ni mmg bila da dpt akn endah xendah je dgn pets tuh...bila da mati/ilang baru la tehegeh2 kalut..huhuhu but 4 pet lovers it will be more aprtiate to the pets.....hehebukan nk blagak tp 4 me a few moths b4 dis i manage to get sekor meow then almost 100++ to prepare all the things that he really should hve...btw akk felix the cat and zul langat..aritu pjud ade ckp nk dpt free gp type abbys fmle kn....sbnrye xdpt ar..huhuhu sbb the process was cancel due to smthin probs dunno la wat happen to the owner..suddenly almost 1hour b4 i go and adopt that gp she replied to me and wanted to cancel the adoption process..huaargghhh... ni nk kne pg banting la nih...heheheh jom ramai2 konvoi nk
memang tak peka betul la budak ni. orang kat sini sibuk cerita pasal dia boleh ke dia tak tau. masih ada hati nak ke banting cari sahril. ermm... rasa2 nya dia nak jual ker pd budak camni.. apa yg saya mampu buat cerita kat sahril tentang kes pjud dan dengan selamba saya ckp kat dia TOLONG JANGAN JUAL pada budak yg tak bertanggungjawab macam PJUD. buat NAYA kat GP yg tak bersalah tu.
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Old 04-11-2011, 10:14 AM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by anjeain View Post
memang tak peka betul la budak ni. orang kat sini sibuk cerita pasal dia boleh ke dia tak tau. masih ada hati nak ke banting cari sahril. ermm... rasa2 nya dia nak jual ker pd budak camni.. apa yg saya mampu buat cerita kat sahril tentang kes pjud dan dengan selamba saya ckp kat dia TOLONG JANGAN JUAL pada budak yg tak bertanggungjawab macam PJUD. buat NAYA kat GP yg tak bersalah tu.
klu setakat dua tiga puloh henget,mmg la dia mampu,tpi brg yg lain??? hampehhhh kot??? mgkin dia x tau atau dia sngaja x mau ambik tau kn,pasal semua org dok cite pasal dia! rase2nye la kn,dia ni seelok nye yg kena duk dlm sangko tu.....masih ada ati lg nk bela pets....benggong tahap gaban
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Old 04-11-2011, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

aduhaii nak beli gp plak..nanti die biar sangkar terbuka plak dah gp tu jalan2 masuk lubang toilet ke apa..memangla bela gp senang tapi dah bersediakah anda?
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Old 04-11-2011, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by sharina View Post
aduhaii nak beli gp plak..nanti die biar sangkar terbuka plak dah gp tu jalan2 masuk lubang toilet ke apa..memangla bela gp senang tapi dah bersediakah anda?
dlu dia mntk free pd sape2 yg nk bg kt dia.....ingt ati mmg nk bg kt dia klu gp tu membiak...tpi skrggggg?????
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Old 04-11-2011, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by picco View Post
dlu dia mntk free pd sape2 yg nk bg kt dia.....ingt ati mmg nk bg kt dia klu gp tu membiak...tpi skrggggg?????
padam jela niat picco..pico kasi je dengan orang yang lebih nak,,,gp tu mahal ari tu saya tengok kat pet lover rm130 time tu ada orang beli memang la comel..tapi semua pet pun comel termasuk tikus cencorot..
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Old 04-11-2011, 01:03 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by sharina View Post
padam jela niat picco..pico kasi je dengan orang yang lebih nak,,,gp tu mahal ari tu saya tengok kat pet lover rm130 time tu ada orang beli memang la comel..tapi semua pet pun comel termasuk tikus cencorot..
da terpadam pnx kira la murah ke mahal ke atau free....yg pnting org tu msti la betol2 loving ngan pet..nk bela lipas plak ar....ada sape2 nk freee???
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Old 04-11-2011, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

bukan de ke orang bela lipas giant yang pastu die letak permata atas lipas tu..siap ada leesh untuk..hujung leesh tu mcm pin so kite pin kat baju lipas tu jejalan la..hehehe..tapi kat rumah saya lipas jadi mainan sandy and thechik je..
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Old 04-11-2011, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

huhuhuhu.......marila kite beramai ramai bela lipas...........

sharina duk s.alam erk?seksyen bape?ada bela pets ape?
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Old 04-11-2011, 03:23 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by picco View Post
huhuhuhu.......marila kite beramai ramai bela lipas...........

sharina duk s.alam erk?seksyen bape?ada bela pets ape?
ee mane tau saya duduk shah alam??
saya duduk section 13, piko pulak?
tula seingat saya dulu pernah cerita csi buat case ini

tengok ni...http://www.cutehomepets.com/you-want-a-pet-cockroach/

Last edited by sharina; 04-11-2011 at 03:28 PM.
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Old 04-12-2011, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by sharina View Post
ee mane tau saya duduk shah alam??
saya duduk section 13, piko pulak?
tula seingat saya dulu pernah cerita csi buat case ini

tengok ni...http://www.cutehomepets.com/you-want-a-pet-cockroach/
section 13 erk...picco duk klang je,yg bnyk gagak tu...huhuhuhu
mmg kt sci ada buat cite pasal brooch lipas kn.....sharina ada pet ape erk?picco ada bela tucen je,yg trbaru ni nk bela gp plak,da booking tpi kena tggu 2 3 mggu lg,jenis sheltie.....bestnyeeeee
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Old 04-12-2011, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Originally Posted by picco View Post
section 13 erk...picco duk klang je,yg bnyk gagak tu...huhuhuhu
mmg kt sci ada buat cite pasal brooch lipas kn.....sharina ada pet ape erk?picco ada bela tucen je,yg trbaru ni nk bela gp plak,da booking tpi kena tggu 2 3 mggu lg,jenis sheltie.....bestnyeeeee
ooo hehehehe csi la sci tu apa science???
saya pun ada bela kucing 2 ekor..sandy and techik..teringin nak bela gp nampak sungguh cute tapi takut techik tu lambung2 pulak nanti...

ala shah alam pun banyak gagak...hehehe
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Old 09-06-2012, 08:00 PM
wongmaunchin wongmaunchin is offline
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp


Dun think GPs are cute. You need lots of extra care for them like regular health checks. Before you plan to have piggies as pet, please do consider they would have common problems and sickness such as cyst, lump, skin problem, excessive hair drops, bloated stomach, excessive oil gland, wet backside, cataracts etc. Are you willing to pay for vet fee when check-ups conducted? And vet fee is not cheap. Think twice before you think this is just for you to play and cute, later you find these piggies are nuisance to you!

Many would have thought piggies don't require vet healthcheck but unless you really seriously take care of them well such as give them daily fresh water, change their soil daily, have them exercise, premium quality of food pellet, daily fresh green veg and fruits, plenty of vitamin c etc.

I could not guarantee my piggies are 100% good although I have been sending them for healthcheck from time to time. For example, one of my piggies shed lots of fur until visibly bald at one area recently. And obviously, I need to send her for diagnosis and found out that she got skin problem and put her on medication ointment. Mind you, that small little bottle of medic ointment is not cheap if you really care for your piggies.

Last advice: If you're NOT WILLING to fork out $$$ for your piggies healthcheck and spending extra time, care and love, FORGET IT. Don't buy and kill your pet for no reason. GOD is seeing us.

God bless.

WONG Maun Chin

Last edited by wongmaunchin; 09-06-2012 at 08:07 PM.
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Old 11-06-2012, 09:13 PM
hengjia87 hengjia87 is offline
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Default Re: Want to adopt gp

Hello are u interested in guinea pig now?Check out my piggy Jelly! : )
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Old 11-08-2012, 11:08 AM
wongmaunchin wongmaunchin is offline
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Default Want to adopt gp

Hello HengJia87

Adopting one more piggy is not a problem for me, as I have ample space for piggies. If that is not a problem for you, please let me know the piggy's background and send to wongmaunchin@hotmail.com

1) Age
2) Preference on natural food, pellets or mixed?
3) Require on-going medics for health reasons e.g. injury or supplementary health?
4) Illnesses check record, if any e.g. previous symptoms such as bald-spot, wet backside etc.

Sorry if I asked too much of questions as I need to diagnose all preliminary checks rather than having finding the causes later. And later I need to tag in with my vet for further check-up. I presume you're the owner of the piggy, I believe you could provide suffix historical background, so that I could cater the necessity or having paying extra attention to this piggy if she required special attention such as medics or physical exercise.

Last but not least, as I said earlier in my personal profile, be rest assured that your piggy under my care would not meant for breeding purpose. That I could guarantee you.

God bless.
WONG Maun Chin
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