Will you consider them to be part of your family?
1. Doggie -
Doggie is yearning for LOVE. Though a stray and always neglect by humans who thinks she is not pretty enough, she never give up in searching for love and affection. She is friendly, loves to be pat and hug. Best of all, she knows how to protect and guard those who appreciate her.
She has just given birth to 8 puppies and all her puppies have been adopted. We are now looking for a loving home for Doggie.
Those who is willing to take Doggie as part of your family, please do not hesitate to contact me.
**Note: Doggie will be spayed upon adoption. New adopter do not have to worry about the spaying fee but have to give the assurance that you will take good care of Doggie**
2. Mocha -
Mocha was found in a deserted house at Tanjung Bungah with mother (Snow) and her siblings, Latte and Cocoa.
She is shy but yet she is cheeky.
She is timid but yet is wild.
Complicated? Not at all...
This lil' monster is active and energetic but in front of people, she turns shy. Why? Because she had once been neglected by human. However, she is learning now to trust people day by day but if you look at her from afar, she is a real super cute KID. So full of life.
If you are patient enough to stay by her to build the trust, I assure that she will be your best pal forever.
Interested to adopt her, please do not hesitate to contact me.
3. Cocoa -
Cocoa was found together with her mother (Snow) and two other siblings (Mocha and Latte) inside a deserted house. She is a shy lil' darling. Her eyes never fail to show her true feelings...She longed to find her loyal companion and be LOVE but the person has yet to show-up.
If you think you are the one, please do not hesitate to contact me.