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Old 08-14-2008, 12:20 AM
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Default Koi Pond Anyone?

I used to live in a farm and have 2 very large ponds so I kept 1000s of japanese koi in them...

Here's a couple of pics of my Shadow... he's looking for the Koi to surface, then he'll jump in and try to catch them.. but he never does.. he just likes to chase the fishes... kinda like a fisherman!

Here, he's seen a fish and ready to dive in:

Anyone else have koi ponds in their home?

Actually mine is an actual fish pond with tons of other fishes, not a real koi pond.. but My bro has a pretty nice one and my sis has a huge one at her home in Seremban.
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Old 08-14-2008, 12:34 AM
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Default Re: Koi Pond Anyone?

Oh, your dogs are so cute. What's the name of the white one? I love big, fat dogs. My favourite breed is the St. Bernard, oh man, they're bigger than me. I once bumped into a guy who was walking his 2 St. Bernards, and being friendly, they just insist on jumping on me and sending me tumbling onto the ground....hehe.

But surely you can't keep them now that you live in Robson Heights?
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Old 08-14-2008, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: Koi Pond Anyone?

The white one's a stray we picked up and fostered and he used to be my favorite doggie until he passed away.

His name's just BOY...

He died tragically.. I can't tell you the story...

But he's an awesome snake killer.. he's killed more cobras than any other doggies... I used to live next to the rain forest so lots and lots of wild animals surrounds us... and my doggies are like wild animals too, they'll chase and fight with the wild creatures like wild boars, iguanas, snakes, etc.

The bigger dogs like my Rottweiller can't handle snakes cause they are too slow.. only the mongrels like BOY can take care of them...

I hate to see them attack the wild animals though and whenever I am around, I'll rescue any wild animals being attacked by my doggies... except snakes.. cause you can't get near them or they'll bite you...

Oh, I love BIG dogs too.. especially st. bernards.. but they are also not suitable for the Malaysian weather..

I used to own a Neopolitan Mastiff.. huge bugger! He can grow up to 80KG, bigger than the world's largest WOLF... they are bred as battle dogs in the middle ages...

He can tapov all my 3 rottweillers... imagine how powerful he is.. I had to give him up for adoption because he's always bullying my other doggies.. ONE vs like 5 and he'll win..
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Old 08-14-2008, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: Koi Pond Anyone?

ya... cute.. and looks smart too, the above dogs...
I love cats & taking photos.
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Old 08-14-2008, 12:44 AM
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Default Re: Koi Pond Anyone?

Ps: Shadow is living in Robson with me still.. my other 2 rottweillers lives with my bro in cheras..
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Old 08-14-2008, 12:45 PM
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Default Re: Koi Pond Anyone?

Poor BOY. So sorry to hear that he died tragically. He and Shadow seemed like good friends, both waiting for the fish at the pond.

Wow, they are quite fierce, eh, attacking wild boars and what-not....did they ever get hurt themselves?

Rain forest? Is that Taman Negara or the Amazon jungle? hehehe.

I hear mastiffs are rather huge and aggressive dogs. But it's unfortunate that he has to be given up for adoption, though. Did you have him for long?

A friend of mine who kept St. Bernards had his entire home air-conditioned 24 hours just to keep his babies comfortable. And someone in Hong Kong who bred Norgewian Forest cats also had to keep his air con on 24 hours despite HK being a lot cooler than M'sai. So, I guess that's the only way to keep these cold climate dogs and cats happy and furry in M'sia.

Originally Posted by Ezer View Post
The white one's a stray we picked up and fostered and he used to be my favorite doggie until he passed away.

His name's just BOY...

He died tragically.. I can't tell you the story...

But he's an awesome snake killer.. he's killed more cobras than any other doggies... I used to live next to the rain forest so lots and lots of wild animals surrounds us... and my doggies are like wild animals too, they'll chase and fight with the wild creatures like wild boars, iguanas, snakes, etc.

The bigger dogs like my Rottweiller can't handle snakes cause they are too slow.. only the mongrels like BOY can take care of them...

I hate to see them attack the wild animals though and whenever I am around, I'll rescue any wild animals being attacked by my doggies... except snakes.. cause you can't get near them or they'll bite you...

Oh, I love BIG dogs too.. especially st. bernards.. but they are also not suitable for the Malaysian weather..

I used to own a Neopolitan Mastiff.. huge bugger! He can grow up to 80KG, bigger than the world's largest WOLF... they are bred as battle dogs in the middle ages...

He can tapov all my 3 rottweillers... imagine how powerful he is.. I had to give him up for adoption because he's always bullying my other doggies.. ONE vs like 5 and he'll win..
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Old 09-04-2008, 10:04 AM
ashleywong ashleywong is offline
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Default Re: Koi Pond Anyone?

hi ezer

do tell us more about your pond - i've always wanted a pond like that instead of those modern thingy with all the pond-liners and stuff.

i guess pond like that is a natural ecosystem in itself do you need to clean it off weeds from time to time and how do you tell whether the fish is sick so you can quarantine and treat it?

what i really want is a in-the-ground pond at my back yard (well, i can only afford about like mayb 2ft by 6 ft) and keep an arowana in it, try to create it's natural environment and feed it fish pellets or algae pellet. i have read that the arowana lives in rainforests river so it would be unnatural to keep them in a tank but then if i can only afford 2ft by 6 ft pond, who am i to critise those who keep their arowans in a tank.

what is the smallest size pond i can have for koi? i i better not dream about them though, i have barely enough to keep my cats and i going...
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Old 09-04-2008, 02:36 PM
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Default Re: Koi Pond Anyone?

Ashley the pond I used to have is a real farmer's pond... really, really big with green water.. not a koi pond.. i just put koi in it...

My brother's got a real koi pond and so does my sister... you can ask ppl to build it for you as big as you want. And it's not too hard to take care off.. you'll need a good water filtration system and a water pump that runs 24/7.... you electricity bill may go up though..

I am not a koi pond expert so i can't really give you much help there...
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Old 02-14-2009, 01:10 AM
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Default Re: Koi Pond Anyone?

A pic of a koi pond that is dug into the ground with a waterfall.... just need an extra about 5ft x 5ft of space...

Actually koi ponds are actually almost maintenance free...just need to make sure that the pump is running 24/7 and a backup pump.... and its not really very expensive to built... contrary to what ppl thinks, its quite cheap to built... a pond thats as big as the one in the pic... could be done with about RM100 - RM300 depending on the type of pond...
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