not that i know where to put this thread..but i dont know
i just dont think i want to go there...
i will have nightmares going there i think..
firstly i heard of this place before like some mountain or so
then yesterday i came across an article about this place
all someone actually capture the video with some title of where to find food..
guess what they serve there...
before i get into serving
they have petting zoo - rabbits...or whatsoever greeting you
there another corner or kitchen you get them instead of petting zoo
they go chop up rabbit and serve it as their speciality of rabbit meat menu could they......
im a bunny lover.......its really sickening..when its on their menu :(
dont they have other think to whip out...... and that video was like promoting that place as in where to eat..
i wouldnt want to go there .... would you?
probably some of you would......but i still against it...
you have a choices...
i guess its not some petting zoo
more a like a ground breeding for rabbits for more and kill them for their menu speciality :(