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Exotic The strange, the creepy, and the scary such as spiders, scorpions and more

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Old 07-18-2011, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: Monkey attacks me

You need a professional trainer for monkeys as their behavior is predicted by nature's instinct.
I have kept one when I saved it after his mother got hit with a car. We played him same like a monkey in the jungle.
He got his own playground made of lumber. My husband had to make a rope hanging inside our home and he trained him to swim.
He always showing his teeth by his candid grin, that only means he felt threatened and intimidated since he was still a baby. He was like a newly-born to us and had to milk-fed him... a formula given by a friend of mine who worked in the zoo.
In the end, we let him go to a nearby forest. We never tied him up so he can go whenever he liked. But I think he knew that he's too young to survive.
We might see his generations still loitering around nearby villages but I just hope his clan can keep up with the modern society.
I have seen so many housing developments. Due to population and lifestyle, we also have to take out their homes for the sake of mankind.
I have seen abuses but is the law being applied even for wildlife? Maybe there are a lot of cats, dogs or monkeys still loitering around now, who knows how many of them and how long they can survive? or maybe one day, they'll be in caged at homes, too. Or one day, it is too many too handle... or one day, we hardly hear about them.
I just hope my generations will be able to see them rather in the pictures of books or a model for Taxidermist in science exhibitions or museums.
It just reminds me why our monkey grinned and kept showing his teeth, he just felt threatened by human presence even though for someone who fed him and kept him warm at night. We don't blame him. It is only a natural 'coz he is wild animal and wild animals belongs to wildlife. It doesn't belong to homes unless my home is also a jungle.
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."~Thomas A. Edison

Last edited by Marcelleve; 07-18-2011 at 04:02 PM.
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Old 07-13-2018, 03:17 PM
AndreaLindsey AndreaLindsey is offline
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Default Re: Monkey attacks me

Monkeys are dangerous. How can it be a pet?
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