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Old 11-03-2010, 04:59 PM
Asyadeta Asyadeta is offline
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Exclamation New Guinea Pig Owner

Baru beli sekor guinea pig yesterday. It costs me Rm188! Peruvian guinea pig.Mahal tapi it's worth it. She's so cute. Tak tau nak letak nama apa lagi. My very first guinea pig. Before ni bela hamster je but tak pernah breed sebab takut nak jaga.. Ada hamster pernah give birth dulu tiba2. Tak tau pun dia pregnant. Tau2 tengah deliver babies. Tapi semua mati. Ever since that tak berani nak breed hamster. So, few days ago ingat nak beli lagi hamster sebab my last hamster died but I decided to get a guinea pig. Did a few research about guinea pig and I fall in love with peruvian type. Memang mahal sangat!

But bila tengok kat dia rasa berbaloi sangat walaupun berhabis sampai Rm500. Tapi takut sangat-sangat tak dapat jaga dia dengan elok. Ada buat research on macam mana nak jaga.. Kena bagi makan carrot, cucumber, apple and all. Tapi orang kat petstore tu cakap bagi dia minum air campur vitamin dah cukup. Tak yakin la dengan dia. My GP tu baru 8 weeks.. T

*So macam mana nak jaga GP dengan baik ye?
*Macam mana nak bagi dia sesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran baru?
*Nak bagi makan apa?
*Dah cuba nak potty train but not working.
*Dia asyik sneezing je. Patut ke bawak to vet asap?
*Ada kurap kat hidung, telinga and belakang dia.. Just sapu ubat yang saya beli or kena bawak vet gak?

I need help a.s.a.p!
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Old 11-03-2010, 06:03 PM
nur azua nur azua is offline
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Hi there..

Ur baby GP is look like a texel breed for me.. Very cute! Its very good that u did some research before this on this super cute creatures!

To make ur gp comfortable with u, selalu la main dengan dia..bagi nama cepat3..hehe..senang nak pnggil kn..lama3 dia akan biasa...

As for sneezing, some sneezing is normal for guinea pigs but, excessive sneezing could be the sign of a respiratory complaint. Anyway, if u find or see any discharges from the nose, or the guinea pig regularly wiping its nose, it is most likely related to a respiratory or sinus infection. So, i think it is recommended to bring this lil baby to the vet.

For the food, u can visit here..very much info u can gain from here..
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bukan pasal food saja..banyak lagi info u boleh dapat..tapi nak remind 1 je..hay sgt3 penting untuk GP..

Potty train mmg jarang nak berjaya la utk GP actually..tapi kalau berjaya..sgt best..sbb tak payah bersihkan taik byk3 sangat..huhuh..kene mencuba & terus mencuba..

Pasal kurap pulak, ubat ape yg awak dh beli tu ye? beli kt mane? cuba search dekat internet psl ringworm on guinea pigs..If i'm not mistaken, there is a jab giving for guinea pig having ringworm/mite/lice..but, tak sure sgt pasal nih..tp u boleh try Malaseb syampoo as its very good for fungal infection..tapi 8 weeks macam sgt kecik lagi..takot shock plak kne air..

Better u bawak pergi vet kot..good luck!
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Old 11-03-2010, 06:49 PM
Asyadeta Asyadeta is offline
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Originally Posted by nur azua View Post
Hi there..

Ur baby GP is look like a texel breed for me.. Very cute! Its very good that u did some research before this on this super cute creatures!

To make ur gp comfortable with u, selalu la main dengan dia..bagi nama cepat3..hehe..senang nak pnggil kn..lama3 dia akan biasa...

As for sneezing, some sneezing is normal for guinea pigs but, excessive sneezing could be the sign of a respiratory complaint. Anyway, if u find or see any discharges from the nose, or the guinea pig regularly wiping its nose, it is most likely related to a respiratory or sinus infection. So, i think it is recommended to bring this lil baby to the vet.

For the food, u can visit here..very much info u can gain from here..
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bukan pasal food saja..banyak lagi info u boleh dapat..tapi nak remind 1 je..hay sgt3 penting untuk GP..

Potty train mmg jarang nak berjaya la utk GP actually..tapi kalau berjaya..sgt best..sbb tak payah bersihkan taik byk3 sangat..huhuh..kene mencuba & terus mencuba..

Pasal kurap pulak, ubat ape yg awak dh beli tu ye? beli kt mane? cuba search dekat internet psl ringworm on guinea pigs..If i'm not mistaken, there is a jab giving for guinea pig having ringworm/mite/lice..but, tak sure sgt pasal nih..tp u boleh try Malaseb syampoo as its very good for fungal infection..tapi 8 weeks macam sgt kecik lagi..takot shock plak kne air..

Better u bawak pergi vet kot..good luck!
Yeah at first I thought it's a texel breed. But the petstore told me that it's really peruvian breed. Maybe because her hair is still short? Or the petstore didn't took a really good care of her. It's kinda obvious since she has this ringworm thingy on her right ear, nose and or her back and she seems like to have a flu. But i think she has the sinus infection. She seems to wiping her nose regularly.. Tapi kalau memang texel breed, I'm lucky then! Texel mahal, kan? Rm300++

I did a research and they all said that I should bring her to the vet. I have this anti-fungal cream the pet store told me to buy because she said my GP has a fungal on her ears. Looks more like a ringworm to me. Tak berani lagi la nak mandikan dia sebab she's still a baby.. So maybe esok pergi cari cream for ringworm as suggested on the internet..

Thanks for your info :D
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Old 11-03-2010, 07:23 PM
nur azua nur azua is offline
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Hehe..rasa macam pernah dengar pasal texel breed kt PLC at RM180 tuh..tak tau u beli dekat mane pulak..u are soo lucky to have the baby!

your welcome..
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Old 11-04-2010, 12:18 PM
Asyadeta Asyadeta is offline
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Oo.. I think it's really peruvian sebab bulu depan dia je kinda look like texel but badan dia semua lurus. My GP slept on her pee and ada pee stain banyak. I think kena mandikan dia tapi takut la nak mandikan sebab dia baru 2bulan. On the internet said atleast kena 3 bulan kalau nak mandikan. You rasa macam mana? Or ada cara lain nak bersihkan dia selain mandikan?
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Old 11-27-2010, 05:39 PM
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Talking Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

It's adorable.Wanted to get GP but hard to find in Sarawak.I want the sheltie breed. heeh Does your GP make noise yet? hehe Love how they pop corn and make noise

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Old 02-25-2011, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Originally Posted by Asyadeta View Post
Baru beli sekor guinea pig yesterday. It costs me Rm188! Peruvian guinea pig.Mahal tapi it's worth it. She's so cute. Tak tau nak letak nama apa lagi. My very first guinea pig. Before ni bela hamster je but tak pernah breed sebab takut nak jaga.. Ada hamster pernah give birth dulu tiba2. Tak tau pun dia pregnant. Tau2 tengah deliver babies. Tapi semua mati. Ever since that tak berani nak breed hamster. So, few days ago ingat nak beli lagi hamster sebab my last hamster died but I decided to get a guinea pig. Did a few research about guinea pig and I fall in love with peruvian type. Memang mahal sangat!

But bila tengok kat dia rasa berbaloi sangat walaupun berhabis sampai Rm500. Tapi takut sangat-sangat tak dapat jaga dia dengan elok. Ada buat research on macam mana nak jaga.. Kena bagi makan carrot, cucumber, apple and all. Tapi orang kat petstore tu cakap bagi dia minum air campur vitamin dah cukup. Tak yakin la dengan dia. My GP tu baru 8 weeks.. T

*So macam mana nak jaga GP dengan baik ye?
*Macam mana nak bagi dia sesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran baru?
*Nak bagi makan apa?
*Dah cuba nak potty train but not working.
*Dia asyik sneezing je. Patut ke bawak to vet asap?
*Ada kurap kat hidung, telinga and belakang dia.. Just sapu ubat yang saya beli or kena bawak vet gak?

I need help a.s.a.p!
tanya sikit....gp tu beli kat mana....ada no. tel tak...saya pon tengah cari ni...harap sudi membantu...t.kasih.
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Old 02-27-2011, 06:57 PM
Asyadeta Asyadeta is offline
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Originally Posted by nusyaata View Post
It's adorable.Wanted to get GP but hard to find in Sarawak.I want the sheltie breed. heeh Does your GP make noise yet? hehe Love how they pop corn and make noise

She's very loud. She pop corn a lot. I guess she's just tooo happy? Lol.
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Old 02-27-2011, 06:58 PM
Asyadeta Asyadeta is offline
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Originally Posted by zul langat View Post
tanya sikit....gp tu beli kat mana....ada no. tel tak...saya pon tengah cari ni...harap sudi membantu...t.kasih.
Beli kat Mines. Petlovers kot tak silap. Tak ada no tel la but rasanya kat internet ada. But it's wayyy too expensive. Kat luar boleh dapat murah. And plus beli kat kedai memang tak ok. I've learnt my lesson =/
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Old 02-27-2011, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Originally Posted by Asyadeta View Post
Beli kat Mines. Petlovers kot tak silap. Tak ada no tel la but rasanya kat internet ada. But it's wayyy too expensive. Kat luar boleh dapat murah. And plus beli kat kedai memang tak ok. I've learnt my lesson =/
la...tak rezeki nak jumpa agaknya....5 hari lepas saya pi...sana...tak de...dah habis kot...kalau ada jumpa jenis yg bulu panjang...macam peruvian....texel ke
minta tolong kalau boleh sms saya sekadar segera...he he he
dah penat kaki jalan kawasan kl....mencari dan mencari.
no saya....013 2163379
terima kasih kerana membantu.
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Old 03-09-2011, 08:02 PM
Asyadeta Asyadeta is offline
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Originally Posted by zul langat View Post
la...tak rezeki nak jumpa agaknya....5 hari lepas saya pi...sana...tak de...dah habis kot...kalau ada jumpa jenis yg bulu panjang...macam peruvian....texel ke
minta tolong kalau boleh sms saya sekadar segera...he he he
dah penat kaki jalan kawasan kl....mencari dan mencari.
no saya....013 2163379
terima kasih kerana membantu.
InsyaAllah.. Peruvian memang susah nak cari.. Tapi tak silap, kawan saya kata dia ada nampak banyak kat Great eastern mall. Cuba try cari kat sana. Masa beli kat mines tu pon ada sekor je. Nasib kot.. Tapi my peruvian gp dah mati :((( haa and hari tu ada nampak kat sunway. Tapi situ tak banyak stock. Takut tak ada je now.
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Old 03-10-2011, 03:12 AM
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Originally Posted by Asyadeta View Post
InsyaAllah.. Peruvian memang susah nak cari.. Tapi tak silap, kawan saya kata dia ada nampak banyak kat Great eastern mall. Cuba try cari kat sana. Masa beli kat mines tu pon ada sekor je. Nasib kot.. Tapi my peruvian gp dah mati :((( haa and hari tu ada nampak kat sunway. Tapi situ tak banyak stock. Takut tak ada je now.
terima kasih kerana membantu...
Alhamdulilah....saya dah pon berjaya beli sepasang peruvian dan sepasang sheltie....kat Mawar petshop di Port Dickson. tapi tak tau le bakanya betul ori atau tak...sebab saya kurang mahir tentang gp ni.

ni gp yg baru beli tu....

Last edited by zul langat; 03-10-2011 at 03:19 AM.
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Old 04-11-2011, 03:32 PM
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

comel2nya...nak bela tapi takut tak terjaga pulak nanti..
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Old 04-12-2011, 02:38 AM
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Default Re: New Guinea Pig Owner

Originally Posted by sharina View Post
comel2nya...nak bela tapi takut tak terjaga pulak nanti..
tak susah nak jaganya....cuma kalau tinggal kat bandar.....kos makanannya agak tinggi. kalau tinggal kampung....boleh selang selikan makanan dia dengan rumput...jimat sikit.
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